A Blank Canvas...

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Alexia Evenstar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So if you didn't already know I have returned from my year+ long hiatus from the site. But with this break my characters got a tad left behind and now are in need of new stories. I have three characters who are wildly different from each other (I only have three because my schedule could not keep up with anymore) all there characters need friends, enemies, relationships, etc.. etc.. so hopefully there should be one that one of your characters could associate with.

So without further adieu...

My Main Character: Alexia Evenstar! (EDITED)
She is a 13 17 year-old Hufflepuff third year Seventh Year year who move to New Zealand from a France.
Basically she is your slightly above average student; she is kind, shy and somewhat awkward. She is good at mind games and studied martial arts before starting school. She blushes often, sometimes for no reason at all, but is all and all a friendly person.
Alexia enjoys art, nature and flying on her broom. She hates water and refuses to go into water deeper than a bath, because of this she cannot swim either.

Altiyan Lee!
He is a 23 year old Slytherin graduate turned Scitorari (currently awaiting approval).
Dark and mysterious he is the stereotypical old school Death Eater bad guy who is good looking and cunning. Like all good bad boys he is a bit of a womanizer and is not serious about any woman he meets (so 'romantic' partners for this character would be good). He also does not have many close friends, portraying the image of a kind cool of lone-wolf, but really he is just lonely and too proud to change his ways. He prefers to be by himself (or in the company of a woman ^.^) but does not necessarily enjoy his own company.

and finally...

Kyoko Sato!
(changed from Tora Yamauchi)
Is a 26 year old Ravenclaw graduate now a Ministry Official working in the Unspeakables Office.
She is proud, bossy, and can be stubborn. She enjoys a challenge and a bit of drama and excitement. Kyoko is unforgiving to all who cross her and can be rather vengeful and aggressive if angered. Her appearance is innocent looking and contrasts with her not-so innocent personality traits. She is quite unhappy with her job in the Department of Mysteries, as nothing is ever happening there and is currently looking to change jobs. She desires to become an Auror, (has applied for this change) wanting to live an eventful and exciting life outside of the silent and boring Unspeakables Office

So yeah, those are my characters :) I probably didn't do a very good job at describing them but, eh! Any sort of relationship with any of my characters would be greatly appreciated. Hope some people have characters that I can start RPing with sooon! Thank you for taking the time for reading this!!

PS: sorry for the amount of times I have edited this... I'm still sorting my characters out.​
Oooh ooh pick me! :frantics: *bobs up and down*
Alexia Evenstar is basically, a 2year younger Hufflepuff version of Alice Hills - A HNZ Ravenclaw moved to Beauxbatons. She isn't happy there and desperately misses HNZ.. etc
I don't know what you are looking for exactly, but Alice could be a friend, a mentor or whatever :) I think they would get on well!
Let me know
hmm I think I will pick... KATE! :) hehe
I would love for Alexia to meet Alice, I took a quick skim-read over the Bio for Alice and I think they would get along well.
I'm not too sure what their exact relationship would, seeming as there is two years between them I think Alice would be the sort of person Alexia would look up to and admire, a sort of friends-and-mentor or whatever you want to do, I do not mind :)
Heeys :D
I would like to offer my character Genevieve for Altiyan.

She is 22 years old and a supermodel living in Paris.She lives among muggles but she has a whole family of wizards who have sadly disinherited her because of her choice of profession.She studied at Beauxbatons. She never flirts but she isn't hard to get so she just needs someone to charm her.She is kind of a loner because she doesnt have any real friends.So she could be a romance and later on a friend or enemy?

What say you? :D
Awesome! i think Altiyan would love a supermodel :D I also think her choice to live with muggles will be really awkward for him because he dislikes muggles; but a good story line sort of awkward. So yeah, I think they are quite compatible and I think that their differences will make for a fun plot :) I like that idea!
Okay, so as it turns out my character Alexia Evenstar is actually a 7th year. I did not count the years I took leave from the site. I'm sorry I did not know that.

Kate: This means my character is 2 years older than your character Alice, instead of being 2 years younger. This slightly changes our RP, but I would still love to go a head with it, if you still want to, that is...?
Aha no worries... but now she is a Hufflepuff not a Beauxbatons? Is that changing or is that staying? I don't mind either way, the topic is there for you if you want to use it :)
o_O she was always Hufflepuff... :p hahaha

OH WELL IT DON'T MATTER! lets RP it anyway, hehe.
She had ties to Beau anyway so it does make logical sense for her to be there!

EDITED: (^^ strikes out that above) NO! okay plan destroyed :( for the fact it wont let me post in the school because she is not a student there. I guess we could restart a new thread somewhere else in France where they could meet... somewhere I can actually post with this character :p It makes sense that she would be in France although living in NZ

I will be really surprised if you are not confused by this post!
ok.... yeh, I'm a little confused :p

Ok, here's a plan..... how about we forget the thread, and I will use it for someone else... I have a character in mind :)
We can roleplay some other time though ^_^
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