A Bit of Catching Up To Do

Eleona Bexley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Eleona sighed and sat on the grass, enjoying the warm summer air. She had been so busy with school and other things that she had lacked to pay attention to some of her closest friends. Mainly, she meant her best friend in the whole world, Claude. However it was understandable because of their different houses. Eleona hoped that he had gotten the letter she wrote, but god only knows where some letters go in this school.
She thought he saw him walking over in the far off distance. Damn her for not wearing her glasses that day... But none the less, she felt excitement sweep over her.
The Lakefront. This was Claude's favorite part of Hogwarts. As he walked along to side of the lake, looking at his reflection in the water, he finally realized how calming it wa- ELEONA? "OH MY GOD ELEONA!" Claude screamed as he ran to Eleona and wrapped his arms around her for a big a big hug. You have to understand, screaming for Claude is like walking for a rock. Claude hadn't seen or talked to Eleona in months, and as he refleced over why that was, he really had no valid reason. They went to the same school, they were the same age, and they had the same interests. How did this happen? Oh why did it matter, he was with his best friend again! "Oh Eleona! How've you been?" (Eleona was the only person Claude didn't stutter around.)
"Claude!!" She grinned and hugged him with equal intensity. "I've been horribly busy! How have you been!?" In truth, her jerk of a father had gotten ill. But she figured that telling him that wasn't necessary at the moment. "Oh my god I've missed you so much!!" The black haired girl squeezed the life out of him, getting used to hug him.
Claude and Eleona had been best friends for years, and even though their friendship really became apparent when their First Year started. Claude felt the life evaporate out of him as Eleona hugged him with a hugging-vicegrip. "I've been pretty bad," Claude said looking at his feet, "I fell into this period of social awkwardness my first year after I mysteriously stopped seeing you. I just went to classes and read all day. It was awful, BUT NOW YOU'RE BACK! This is amazing! How's your..." Claude cringed a bit, "...How's your father?"
"Hah you were socially awkward..." She chuckled like a simpleton. Okay so she was a tiny bit mean to Claude, but it was all in good fun and he knew she never meant it. Eleona's smile drooped when Claude asked about her father, she knew they didn't care much for each other.
"He's fine..." Eleona muttered, "He got a little sick but aside from that he's perfectly marvelous..."
Claude could clearly sense the apprehension in Eleona's voice. If there was one person on the earth that Claude honestly didn't like, it was Demetrius Bexley. Eleona's father was always rude and intrusive in her life. Claude, being the shy person he is, has rarely ever expressed his dislike for Demetrius verbally. Claude was a bit suspicious though. "A little sick? You couldn't of gone into social oblivion if he was a little sick." Claude was never this blunt with anyone, so you know he must of trusted Eleona a lot.
Eleona winced, "...S-Social oblivion isn't very... kind, Claude." That hurt, a lot. Especially if it came from a boy she had known all of her life. "He just had to stay in Mungo's for a bit..." She smiled, "He's fine now though, I assure you." There was a long, awkward pause, and it was evident that Eleona wouldn't be saying much more than that. She never was one to open up, more of a listener than a talker.
Claude saw Eleona wince. "Oh god, I'm s-s-s-s-sorry! I didn't mean t-t-t-t-t-t-t..." Claude couldn't get a single word out. IF he ever offended anyone, especially Eleona, that was when his stutter took over. He completely ignored her answer about her father he was too embarrassed. His face turned a dark shade of magenta, as if his face was so blushed that he fell into a can of paint.
Eleona smiled and laughed, "It's fine... Perfectly fine..." He pet his head like a sister would, sighing heavily. "You look like a tomato, or something like a firetruck."

Claude looked like a tomato indeed. "So, Eleona, how about a duel? Meet you in the dueling chamber in a few minutes?" Claude had never dueled before, and he was pretty sure Eleona hadn't either, but since he was feeling oddly brave today, he might as well try.

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