A bit of both

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Oscar Overton

Active Member
Beech Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Pixie Hair
Hey all!

Yes, I caved and made another Firstie. I can't help it! I just love sorting!
Any ways, this is my lovely Oscar Overton. He is a half-blood, his dad being a Wizard, his mother a muggle. He didn't know much about magic until the letter came. He just thought weird things happened all the time. His mother thinks he is at a Boarding School; she still does not know of her husband being a wizard.
Oscar is a genius. He is undeniably smart, but only book-smart. He learns how to do things quickly, but will be defiant if he doesn't want to do something.
Oscar is very awkward too, and hates crowds. He is a super easy target for bullying, as he is quite small. I see people getting annoyed with him because he tends to be a know it all. However, he will stand up for his friends he is loyal to, and if anyone suggests he can't do anything.
I need a couple of friends for Oscar. It will take some time to get to know him both for me, the rper and for your character, so patience is needed! They don't need to be like him, but I am sure he would get along with someone who he could have a good banter with.
I also want some bullies. As I said, he is easy to push around, and it would be fun to see if he can actually stand up for himself verbally.
Here is his CD.

If anyone is willing to help me out, please reply ^_^
Hi ^_^ Sofia should be sorted soon (maybe even by the time you read this, I do not know.)

Sofia will be a first year from Australia, not originally. Sofia lives with her mother and doesn't know anyone else in her family. She's a perfectionist and is a person who needs facts to believe.

She loves to bake and travel aaaaaaand study animals, magical and non-magical.

How would see do with Oscar?
I think these two would have quite a sweet friendship. They could definitely be study buddies, and I think they would have great conversations. I'll definitely be willing to give them a go! Would you like to start something, or shall I?
ok so i have stefan whos a 5th year so he could be a ernemy as he has alot of hate to push out of his syestym right now. so maybe?
We could give it a go if you like, but as Stefan is a Sixth Year, he could easily pummel Oscar! I'm not sure exactly what Stefan is like, but maybe if it was a taunt and a shove? Something small maybe?
You could start something anywhere if you'd like :) Just give me the link.
I have Eugene Smythe who needs some friends to start with,

He is a friendly guy who gets along with most people and likes exploring and adventure.He can be very sarcastic at times but he wouldn't really mean it.He likes flying,reading,cooking and music.He enjoys being in a spotlight and also likes pulling innocent pranks on people.Generally he is a good guy.And he is from Glasgow,Scotland.

So what let me know what you think? :D

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