🌹 Rose Giving A beautiful rose

Tessaria Carter

youngest carter | a perfect angel
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Chestnut Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
April 2055
Tessaria had quite a long day delivering these roses. She wasn't sure if she wanted to participate in it next year as it really took up a lot of her time. It was also a difficult task attempting to find people she didn't know, but perhaps the best way to meet new people. There were only a couple more people to go before she was finished, and she figured the best place to go to in order to find someone could be the student lounge. Many students frequented there and so she thought she would give it a try. She entered the room and spoke to a girl that was sitting by herself. "Hello, would you happen to know who Sayuri Edogawa is?"

@Sayuri Edogawa
After lunch in the Great Hall, Sayuri had decided to camp out in the Student Lounge and hope for some blessed peace. Unfortunately, peace was not to be had as deliveries were happening left and right. She'd considered going to the library but she heard that some dumb@ss had decided it would be a good idea to shout someone's name so she wasn't really up for changing spots when she was already comfortably occupying a single-sized couch. It was then that her peace was even more disrupted when a girl came up to her asking if she would know well... herself. "I'm her. What do you want," she asked the girl, as if examining her from head to toe. It was likely this was another rose delivery though she could not for the life of her figure out who would be sending her roses.
Tess simply nodded as the girl responded to her a little rudely, but nonetheless confirming that she had found her. Perhaps she was just not having a good day, and maybe the rose would make her feel a little better. She reached into her basket of roses and pulled out a bright yellow one with a note attached to its stem. "This one is yours." she said, holding it out to her.

Yellow Rose said:
Dear Sayuri,

Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm so glad we are roommates AND teammates too!
I hope we can get to know each other better.
Have a great day!!

Sybil St. James
Sayuri thought the rose odd but took it anyway and read the note. "Thanks," she told the girl belatedly, mostly because she could hear her dad shouting away in her head. And she was hoping this would drive the girl away faster. The note was odd. It wasn't like she and Sybil had had any interactions. She wasn't particularly interested in getting to know a roommate more, but she supposed a Quidditch teammate was someone she should actually talk to. She would consider it.
Tess nodded as Sayuri thanked her. She wasn't sure how the girl felt about the note, but she also didn't have time to stand around and wonder. Tess simply turned around and continued her search for more recipients.

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