🌹 Rose Giving A beautiful rose

Tessaria Carter

youngest carter | a perfect angel
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Chestnut Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
April 2055
Tessaria had quite a long day delivering these roses. She wasn't sure if she wanted to participate in it next year as it really took up a lot of her time. It was also a difficult task attempting to find people she didn't know, but perhaps the best way to meet new people. There were only a couple more people to go before she was finished, and she figured the best place to go to in order to find someone could be the student lounge. Many students frequented there and so she thought she would give it a try. She entered the room and spoke to a girl that was sitting by herself. "Hello, would you happen to know who Sayuri Edogawa is?"

@Sayuri Edogawa

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