11th Birthday Character Meet-Up

Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

After celebrating her sixteenth birthday (because everything supernatural and awesome happens after such an important year!), Tenilee was found with her friends (that she totally has, honest) shopping for the next onesie and animal-themed slipper to add to her collection. Her collection was rather impressive as it was, including rhinoceros slippers, a superman onesie, ladybug slippers and an angry bird onesie - she knew that just any onesie wouldn't be good enough. Fortunately, nearby there was a store specifically aimed at selling onesies to adults that should know better than to wear them in public! At very reasonable prices, too!

She had her eyes set on a dinosaur onesie. Green, and fluffy, the onesie boasted a fine tail and toothed hood that was sure to instil fear in even the most badass three year old. To make her birthday shopping bonanza even better, she found some monster slippers that were furry, and had shiny claws. Just what she always wanted! The items were bought immediately, and having the endless amounts of confidence and absolutely no concept of shame like she did, the first thing Tenilee needed to do was locate a bathroom to get her new clothes on, and then thoroughly embarrass all of her friends. It was going to, truly, be a marvellous day.

Unbeknownst to her, there was another onesie enthusiast in the shopping centre - Wilfred Raven. The Italian born pure blood wizard had no business being in an Australian Muggle market, but after hearing about the magnificent sales and price matching, he just had to see what all the fuss was about. And he was quite impressed. His closet held within the most amazing collections, from African Safari oneises, to Deep Sea Diving ones, full of lions and giraffes and seals and squids - but what he didn't have, was a dinosaur. Like the child he was, Wilfred fawned over the onesie, even going so far as to threaten to throw a fit until he finally convinced his brother to buy it for him. Much like the older muggle mentioned above, Wilfred had to change into his onesie.

Tenilee and Wilfred exited their respectively gendered bathrooms at the same time, and wandered up the halls, distracted in their own conversations until finally, at the threshold, they met. Tenilee smiled down at the six year old, giving a polite wave.

"Hey, that's a pretty cool onesie you've got there," she said politely, thinking it was rad and adorable all at the same time. "Did you just get it? I just bought mine."

Wilfred was beaming at having found a kindred spirit - even if she was more than twice his age. "I did!" he cheeped, throwing his hood up over his face and holding his hands like claws. "I've been looking for a good dinosaur forever!"

Tenilee smiled slightly. "Well, you look like a very good dinosaur, alright!"

Wilfred sighed slightly, slumping his shoulders. "But I'm supposed to look indimadating."

Tenilee highly doubted this was an achievable goal for a cherub-faced six year old, no matter how much he rawred. "Well, you could always try breathing fire? That'd be pretty scary."

Wilfred seemed to consider this, which made Tenilee's smile grow a little, but he finally shook his head. "I'd be too indimidating."

A reasonable conclusion. "Well, I hope you work it out! Good luck to you, Dinosaur Brethren." And with that, Tenilee had every intention of ending the conversation with a foreign child. Wilfred, however, had no concept of boundaries, and immediately took this as the perfect time to hug a perfect stranger. Tenilee's arms rose awkwardly as the child squeezed her around the waist, not entirely sure where her hands should be going in this situation. "O-oh, okay, we're hugging right now. Alright. Um..." She patted his head with all the grace of an albatross mid-landing.

Wilfred, fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately?) had no qualms with this reaction, and hummed with delight. "All Dinosaur Brethren should hug!"

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