“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
?Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible

<r><URL url="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eOvi3fbI-Ao/SflFRDWePzI/AAAAAAAACsg/am-xPXo1EZA/s400/hilary+duff+white+jeans+brown+pumps+louis+vuitton+lv+bag.JPG"><s></s>Caysi<e></e></URL> just did the finishing touches on her hair and looked in the mirror. The blonde looked quite presentable to go out on the town with her bestfriend. Kiera and Caysi agreed that they would meet somewhere in France so they could walk around, have coffee and just chat. She truly did miss her bestfriend, it's difficult living in seperate cities half way across the world. Ever since Caysi wasn't in school, she hadn't see Kiera to much, and she did miss her. The blonde sighed and looked over at the clock, it was nearly time for her to go. Caysi had so much to tell Kiera that she thought her best friend's mind was going to blow. <br/>
The blonde apparated from her two story house in Ireland all the way to the a little coffee place in France. She opened the door and walked in to a dimly lit cafe. Caysi looked around to see if she could see Kiera there, but she didn't. She went up to the counter and order herself and Kiera both their favourite drinks. Caysi slowly walked back to a booth that was right beside the window. </r>
Kiera Potter was extremely careful as she apparated France. She stopped more often along the way, not wanting to harm her precious child with the various apparations. Kiera hadn't told Caysi yet that she was pregnant even though she was two, almost three months along. Her baby bump was just barely visable under her thick sweater. It would be colder in France that it was in New Zealand.

Kiera was happy to be meeting Caysi. It had been far too long since she saw her best friend and that really did bother her. As a godmother to little April, she certainly was failing at it. Finally, Kiera made it to the cafe where she was meeting Caysi. She walked into the cute cafe, quickly spotting Caysi at a table. She went over to her. "Hey Sham!" she said, sitting down. "How are you?" she asked.
Whilst waiting for Kiera, Caysi picked up a little magazine that she had found up on the corner. There were a few pictures of babies in it, which made Caysi miss her little April. How was Caysi going to tell everything that happened with April, Alex, and Sandra that had just happened all a few months back. She was surprised as to how she was still living at the moment.

" Peachy!" Caysi said happily as she saw her bestfriend coming to sit beside her. " I'm alright, been missing my best friend!" She laughed putting the magazine back. " How are you?" Caysi asked smiling at her friend.
Kiera grinned as Caysi hugged her. She nodded her head. "Oh you know, about the same, missing you but also....I'm pregnant!" she said laughing. She just couldn't keep it a secret any longer. Kiera had to tell her the news just as fast as she could. "Sorry, I couldn't wait to tell you." she said brightly. "Now we can move on and talk about you." she teased lightly.
Caysi was a bit shocked, as well as happy at the same time. " Oh my gosh!" She said happily. " Oh my goodness, I'm so happy for you!" She said giving her friend another hug. " Wow, that's amazing!" Caysi nodded, she was so happy for Peachy. " Do you know if it's a girl or boy yet?" She asked smiling at her best friend. Caysi was so happy that she didn't really have to many words to say to Kiera.

" Oh me?" Caysi chuckled, and placed her hands down on the table seperating the two. " There's alot that went on in the two months." She looked out the window. " Some good, some really bad." She took a deep breath before continuing. " April, well she passed away from a serious cold that no one could control, it was so bad Kiera." Caysi said shaking her head. " I couldn't even touch her how bad her fever was, the poor soul was coughing so much that they couldn't give her anything at all." She looked down. " It was horrible." The blonde took in a deep breath. " Moving on to other bad news, Sandra and Alex got into a car crash and passed away as well." Caysi shook her head, yet again. " This all happened in a matter of two months apart from eachother, at that point I couldn't have thought my life would get any worse." She sighed.

" But it changed, I just thought that there was a life waiting out there for me, and I just need to look into a better future." She shrugged her shoulders. " Now good news, to keep us happy." Caysi gave a weak smile. " I found a new guy, this is totally something different." Caysi said putting her hair back. " Peachy, I can totally say that I've never, ever felt like this for anyone in my life.. at all." Caysi gave a slow nod. " It's a weird feeling.. very peculiar." Her head tilted. " You might of heard of him, Jacob Romance? He is in the music industry." Caysi smiled.

" Peachy.. also.. have you heard from Alex?" Caysi asked curioisly. " I haven't heard from him or seen him in about a year or so, and I'm actually kind of worried." The blonde nodded; maybe Kiera had heard from him or seen him.
Kiera grinned at her best friend as she was excited for Kiera. She hugged Caysi back, laughing. "No I'm not sure what it is yet." she said, patting her small stomach. "I should find out next week though." she said brightly. Her honey eyes noticed the sadness behind her friend's eyes. She frowned, waiting to hear out Caysi responded to her question. Her jaw popped open as she listened to everything Caysi said. Her face crumbled, feeling the pain for Caysi. She felt guilty for not being there for her friend.

Kiera glanced down at the ground before looking back up at Caysi. "Sham, I am so sorry. I feel like a horrible friend for not being there." she said sincerely. The small brunette leaned over to hug Caysi, squeezing her tight. Kiera released her friend as she moved on to good news. She raised an eyebrow at this new guy Caysi was talking about. She shook her head at the name in question. "No I haven't but you know how I stay away from the Prophet. I'm more likely to see my name than not see it and I just don't care for that." she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "I would love to meet him though. Maybe we could double date?" she asked.

Caysi caught her off guard with her next question. She shifted uncomfortable in her seat. Alex Cullen had once been her love, her everything. He was her best friend. They were meant for each other in a universe where James Potter had not barged into their relationship, confusing it and causing conflict. James was her other half, her true soulmate and she hadn't been able to ignore that for a boy who didn't even love her. Their relationship had ended badly as she married James. Right before her offical wedding, Kiera and Alex had gotten back on track, resuming their friendship. Kiera could tell it was still hard for him to be around her but things had been getting better. She looked up at Caysi. "Um. I guess its been a few months since I saw him. He's living in Jamaica but doing well. Its still hard for him to be around me I think." she confessed. "Why are you worried about him? He's just running like he's always dreamed of." she said with a smile. Kiera knew his dreams like she knew her own.
Caysi nodded, excited to find out what her friends baby was. " Kiera, don't feel bad at all... I think that you wouldn't have wanted to see me as a mess, it was just so hard one right after the other." She sighed and looked down at the floor.

Caysi let go of Kiera's hug as soon as she got the strength to. " I know all about that, that Prophet is a bunch of rubbish I tell you." Caysi shook her head as she looked over at her friend. " But he's a really good guy, plus he's in the music industry, so that could be some fun." The blonde gave a cheeky grin at her best friend. " Yes, that sounds wonderful!" Caysi's face lightened up.

Caysi looked at her friend, remembering the whole event with Alex, " I'm really worried actually, him and I were so close, then it's like he vanished into thin air." She snapped her fingers. " I don't know, but I just have some odd feeling about him, of course you know what I mean." She said rubbing her temple.

The blonde wanted to get on a bettermote, taking her friends mind of her previous lover, " Does James remember him and I as kids, playing while our fathers visited eachother?" She looked at Kiera. " Those were such fun, easy days." She said sighing as she looked over at the window.
Kiera grinned at Caysi, glad to know that her best friend ignored the Prophet nearly as throughly as she did. She nodded her head at the news about Jacob, excited to meet the guy who had seemingly captured Caysi's heart. "I can't wait!" she said, squeezing her friend's hand.

Kiera sighed but shook her head. Really, she didn't know what was going on with Alex these days. The best the brunette could do was pray that he was happy and doing well. She nodded her head. "Trust me Sham. I know Alex and he is doing something mischievious. Causing trouble somewhere but I am certain he is physically fine. He will come back in his own time." she said certainly. After all, she had been next to his side for over a year. She knew him well.

Kiera laughed at Caysi's question. "You know, I haven't heard James mention it much but I believe he does remember. Harry told me about your father, apparently he was always blowing things up at school in their first year." she said with a laugh.
Caysi giggled, remembering the two girls sitting on the grass at their school just talking about their crushes and who they thought was super cute. it took her back to the days that were so simple and care free. " You will love him!" She laughed, but Caysi already did. " He's one of those people that just gets stuck in your memory, not just the looks but character." The blonde poked fun.

" Knowing him, he's probably causing that poor island of Jamacia some problems." The witch laughed as she shook her head. The blonde laughed so hard that she almost fell off the floor laughing. " Oh my goodness." She said wiping her eyes from the tears. " I remember literally praying sometimes before I went into Transfiguration or Charms that I wouldn't blow something up, or hoped that someone wouldn't be crying." She pushed her head back, still laughing.
Kiera grinned. She hoped that this choice for a boyfriend was much better than Ryan Porter. She really couldn't see what her friend had ever seen in that man. "Double date next week?" she said, hoping her friend would agree. The brunette really did want to meet Jacob.

Kiera laughed along with Caysi. The words were all too true. Kiera could simply imagine all the havoc Alex Cullen was causing on that poor island country. "Alex always was the prankster. That's how we met naturally. He kissed me as a joke in an Astronomy class skit." she said, still laughing at the memory. Yes, Alex was something else entirely.
Caysi nodded, " Of course! You have to meet this guy!" The blonde smiled at her friend. " And this time, you must tell me after if you like him or not, no more divorce's for Caysi Finnigan." She shook her head. Caysi would listen carefully to what her friend would have to say this time, but she thought that it would be all good seeing as he was incredibly nice to Caysi.

Caysi tilted her head back and laughed, having her hands almost clap together. Feeling like a seal, Caysi put her arms down and smiled, " Oh, that's defintley Alex! Poor Jamacia doesn't know what their in for." She shook her head, wide grin on her face. Caysi missed Alex, it was the truth. He was a big brother to her and she needed some support but he wasn't there.

Going back to the thought about Jacob, Caysi smiled. " I have a really good feeling, extremely deep down that Jacob is the one.. I know that you've heard that like twelve times from me, but Peachy... this is a different feeling.. something I haven't had before." She looked at her friend nodding, having a warm expression on her face. " For the life of me.. I just can't figure it out. Like I'm super stumped here!" Caysi gave a small laugh, seeking her friends help.

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