
  1. Susie Lagowski

    Closed Nothing's the End of the World

    Susie almost couldn't believe it. Tori, punching a girl in the face! Twice! Rumours were known to spread quickly around the castle, often gaining new, unlikely features as they did, and when this one reached Susie, she assumed there had been some exaggeration. A slap, perhaps, she could believe...
  2. Calliope Cartwright

    Closed Not Just Ordinary

    Calliope Cartwright gazed down the busy wizarding street, at the colourful shopfronts, at the men and women hurrying along in smart robes, at the broomsticks propped up against a nearby wall, at the poster advertising miniature dragons for sale - at all the irrefutable evidence of magic around...
  3. Susie Lagowski

    Closed Spelling It Out

    Susie was miserable. First of all, she'd been horribly sick over Halloween, which meant she hadn't got to wear the incredible bat costume Uncle Nathaniel had made for her. Worse still, nobody had even seemed to have noticed she was missing. That part hurt the most. She thought she'd made...
  4. Cyrus Thorne

    Closed Books and Pages

    Cyrus had grown to really love the library at Hogwarts, it was quiet and there were so many books on all kinds of different subjects. It was useful for studying, but it was also just fun to browse and pick out books that were interesting. He had spent many afternoons here last year, which was...
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  6. Victoria de Lacey

    Victoria de Lacey

  7. Monty Pendleton

    Closed Everything Stays the Same

    If there was a change in the air of the Tuuri household, Monty was doing an excellent job of ignoring it. He took off his shoes by the door and followed Kata down the hall, making the usual polite conversation about the usual subjects: work, grandchildren, baking, etcetera. The routine of it all...