violet fields

  1. Alice Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Full of Sunshine Yellow

    Yellow rose, open after Violet Alice knew the next person on her list, as she was someone who wrote for Hogwarts Monthly and was only a year below her. She found Violet Fields near the Slytherin Common room, and approached her with her roses. "Hi, Violet, right?" She asked the girl, then smiled...
  2. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Open Studying is a bore

    Adorah plopped all of her books onto a table in the corner of the library and slipped into a seat, placing her head on the table. It was already the beginning of the semester, and she felt like she couldn't keep. Between her electives and major courses, she somehow seemed to have the majority of...
  3. Violet Fields

    Violet Mariana Fields

    ✒Full Name: Violet Mariana Fields ✒Name Meaning: Violet - From the name of the flower (Old French 'violette'. Late Latin 'violetta'. A diminutive of 'viola'.) As a flower, Violet has a variety of meanings: love; modesty; virtue; affection; faithfulness ("I'll always be true") and a good luck...
  4. Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

    Beautiful yellow rose

    Yellow, open after Violet Fields. Jenna emerged from the common room where she had fallen asleep on a not very comfortable couch and now had a stiff neck, but that didn't stop her from carrying the last three beautiful roses with a smile on her lips. Jenna came down the stairs, humming a tune...
  5. Cyzarine Haden

    Closed Can We Gossip Please?

    Cyzarine didn’t get to see Violet nearly as often as she liked, it helped that they shared classes and could spend time together there, or when they worked on Hogwarts monthly things, but it had been a while since it was just to two of them. Cyzarine had therefore decided to send Vi a little...
  6. Willow Cullen

    roses to report

    Willow had never been to the hogwarts monthly room. writing was not something she was interested in and after the last paper had leaked a story that hse knew was meant to be private she had sort of lost respect for the paper. however she did have a rose for someone she knew worked for it. she...
  7. Leda Layton

    Open Another snake in the field

    Even though Leda didn’t know all the names on her list, she knew this one from the common room. It was her job as prefect to know who was in her house, so she’d been waiting to see if she could find Violet, one of the younger ones, in the hopes of passing off her final rose in the basket.