rose deliveries y48

  1. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving Training rose

    Teddy had one last rose to deliver but he knew he would be seeing Miro at Quidditch training so held onto it until then. When Miro arrived Teddy gave him a big grin, "I have something for you!" He said cheerfully, reaching into his bag and taking out his last rose which was yellow. @Miro...
  2. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving Hard one to find

    Teddy's next delivery was hard to find, they were a Hufflepuff so he headed towards their common room and asked about for someone to fetch Remy Forrester for him. He had a pink rose to deliver him and a few more to do after so he didn't want to be hanging around here for long. @Remy Forrester
  3. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Name Based Intimidation

    yellow rose for @Terror Zhefarovich Merlin, thought Audrey as she wandered down to the dungeons. Wizards really did give their children weird names, didn't they? She was living proof of it, so she wouldn't dare say anything to anyone. But Terror, really? She supposed it projected a certain...
  4. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Left On Red

    red rose for @Eurydice Nightray Audrey was committed to running this smarter, not harder. She knew that she and Lucy had at least one of the same people to deliver to, and she'd seen her friend duck into the Student Lounge. It paid off, as Lucy delivered a rose to Eurydice. Or, to Eurydice via...
  5. Christa Langley

    🌹 Rose Giving Thanks for the tutorials (yellow)

    Christa didn't know Doyle, even though they shared a couple of classes, but when she asked around someone pointed her in the direction of the North Tower and so that was where she now found herself. "Sorry, are you Doyle Mooney? I've a rose to deliver." @Doyle Mooney
  6. Christa Langley

    🌹 Rose Giving Real Unicorns (Yellow)

    Despite being in the same year, Christa didn't know a lot of the other students in the other houses, mostly because she either spent time with Professor Edogawa, or with Finley or with Callie or Mania - but mostly she was in her dorm working on her scrapbook. So she didn't really get out much to...
  7. Christa Langley

    🌹 Rose Giving Pretty funny (Yellow)

    Finley, Christa thought, had the right idea as she saw him flittering about the tables to find the people he needed to. She wished she'd thought of that. She was used to having them given out during class time, when the teacher was given the basket to hand out the roses to everyone in the class...
  8. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose, Not An Olive Branch

    yellow rose for @Veronica Walden-Cade It was a bit awkward delivering a rose to Veronica. Audrey didn't really dislike the girl, but she wasn't especially fond of her either - and she hadn't gone out of her way to interact with her much after snapping at her in the prefect's meeting. She had a...
  9. Christa Langley

    🌹 Rose Giving It will get better (Yellow)

    Christa wasn't exactly friends with Miles, but she knew he was trying to get onto the Quidditch team (who didn't at this point honestly) and so she figured her best bet might be to find him on the Pitch. She hadn't ever really spoken to him outside of classes or just casual conversations people...
  10. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Keeping It Short And Sweet

    pink rose for @Leah Thorne Audrey was impressed at how chaotic things were with all the deliveries. But it was a positive sort of chaos, one that for the most part seemed to make people happy. That was kind of nice, though recognition for it would no doubt help too. The only problem was that...
  11. Christa Langley

    🌹 Rose Giving Done with you (Red)

    Christa knew that Beatrice was on the Hogwarts Monthly, so she headed to the fifth floor in the hopes she could catch her. "Hi! I was wondering if Beatrice is here?" It was her last delivery, so she was excited to get it all done so she could focus on the new classes for this semester...
  12. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Pretty In Pink

    pink rose for @Alicia Richelieu Audrey's flower crown had been made with pink roses, though she wasn't sure how well it went with the rest of her. Still, she was committed at this point, and it was at least fitting now as she had a pink rose to deliver. She didn't know Alicia personally, but...
  13. Christa Langley

    🌹 Rose Giving You're so lucky! (Yellow)

    One of the bad things about being in first year was the fact that Christa really didn't know a lot of people in the school, which mostly meant she really didn't know who most of the people here were, or what years or houses they were in. Someone had mentioned that Cyrus Thorne was in Ravenclaw...
  14. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Red-dy For An Answer

    red rose for @Friday Weeks Audrey couldn't say she knew Friday well, but she knew who she was - they were in the same year, after all, and her name kind of stuck out. Not that Audrey could really speak on names, considering her parents saw fit to name her Prudence, to say less of her other...
  15. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Sucking Up With A Rose

    yellow rose for @Professor Angel Castillo Audrey thought sending roses to professors was kind of weird and embarrassing. Sure, she'd sent one to Professor Pirrip (and had been half tempted to pick a pink one just to see if it sent Teddy postal), but that was different. She wasn't sure how it...
  16. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving We should hang out (Yellow)

    Finley had one more rose to deliver and then he was done for the day, which would be nice, because then he could relax. He didn't know the girl he was delivering to, but he knew she was a Gryffindor. "Hi, are you Lorelai? Can you point me to Lorelai? Hi, can you tell me where Lorelai is." He...
  17. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Happy Valentine's Day (Yellow)

    Finley didn't know this girl, but someone had pointed out that she was a Slytherin and so he happily approached the Slytherin table during one of breaks and smiled. "Sorry, is one of you Hazel Ashworth, I've got a rose to deliver?" he said, holding the rose in his hand for whoever to see...
  18. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Something to cheer you up! (Red)

    Finley knew a little about Veronica because she was on the Quidditch team and he paid attention to that since he loved the game - even if he didn't make it this year. So when he noticed that he had a red rose to deliver to the chaser, he grinned and danced over to her. "Hi Veronica! I have a red...
  19. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Customary (Yellow)

    The next delivery on his list was for one of the Hufflepuff Prefects so he had seen her around a little bit, and she had a sister in his house as far as he knew, but he didn't know much about her apart from that. He looked around for her quickly before spotting her and grinning. "Hi Hinata! You...
  20. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Written in Orange (Red)

    Finley had decided that he didn't want to be chasing people down all day and so he'd essentially decided to camp out in the great hall for the people he needed to find, it seemed to be working for him as he approached the Hufflepuff table to find his next target. "Are you Dominic? This is for...