
  1. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson Six

    As the class walked in, Landon gave them a bright smile before greeting them, "Welcome everyone! Your mandrakes will all be fully grown by now! I came in last night to feed and water them and caught them trying to move into each other's pots." He chuckled. "Today will be your last lesson with...
  2. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson Five

    The Herbology Professor was looking at his second year's mandrakes, checking if any one of them managed to kill one. Apparently, not long before Landon started teaching at the school, someone managed to do just that, and so Landon was very weary about it, despite him trusting his second years...
  3. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson Four

    Landon paced the Greenhouse patiently for his students to arrive. He leaned against the desk with his Mandrake in front of him, and once everyone arrived he began his lesson straight away. "Hey guys! Settle down and we'll check on our Mandrakes." The professor waved his wand and the doors shut...
  4. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson Three

    Landon folded his arms as the students filed in and took their seats. He was in a good mood and felt that last lesson was rather enjoyable to watch. He gave a smile to the class, "Good morning guys! How are you all?" He gazed over the class and just kept smiling at them all, even after nothing...
  5. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson Two

    As far as Landon knew, the first lesson with his second years had been a good success. He just hoped that the batch were as sensible as they made out to be considering the dangerous workload that they had this semester. Today's lesson was going to be their first lesson with an actual mandrake...
  6. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson One

    Landon stood at the door to the Herbology greenhouse with a box of earmuffs in his arms. It would be his first lesson today teaching the second years and he was very excited. He was so excited that he could barely sleep the night before and he hoped his students felt the same way. "Please, take...
  7. Lars van Houten

    Ravenclaw Practice Y38 S2

    Ravenclaw,Practice The new Quidditch season was starting, which meant they had to practice. The stakes hadn't been this high in a while, and Lars was nervous about it. This was his final chance to become Hogwarts champion with his team, but he also knew that beating Slytherin would really hurt...