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  1. Felix Layton-King

    Open Have your say

    Felix had already tried to help by signing up to the Brotherhood. Merlin, he'd even tried to speak to Minister of Magic at the careers fair. It wasn't enough though in the grand scheme of things, to make an active difference to the day to day lives of the students around him at school. Felix had...
  2. Mania Athanasiou

    Open Dooring my best

    After hanging out with Callie and Finfin Nia waddled her way to get some snacks and see what was going on. She had really done her best with the costume and was as proud as one can be, but she had to admit walking squeezed between the thin panels, was not the easiest. Perhaps she should have...
  3. Theodore Harper

    Open Life Updates

    Theo had kept his promise to send letters to his younger siblings most of the time when he could. He had missed his younger siblings if he was being honest, but he also liked the experience without them from time to time, even though he felt guilty for thinking that. But he also couldn't wait...
  4. Sophie Shepherd

    Open Too Early in the Morning

    The one thing that Sophie didn't like about being at Hogwarts was that she had to wake up earlier than she liked to be ready for lessons. She would much rather be asleep than anything than be awake right now for classes. While she didn't mind the actual classes and enjoyed learning, again, she...
  5. Thomas Fitzgerald

    Open Looking Out for the Small Critters

    Thomas always enjoyed the great outdoors. He tried to avoid the castle when he could, as it was overly crowded and noisy. The boy sat under one of the trees that were scattered across part of the great lawn. It had been a sunny and warm day out and Thomas had been enjoying the quietness of the...
  6. Fiona Burke

    Open Usual Disappointment

    Fiona had been disappointed that she hadn't made it on the team, yet again... It had been her dream to be on the quidditch team for as long as remembered. She enjoyed quidditch a lot and it hadn't been something her older siblings were interested in. Sure Nolan had played with her from time to...
  7. Eliza Reynolds

    Open The Action Packed Pages

    Eliza had always enjoyed her comic books, they were a joy for her to read. The Gryffindor always managed to get the new roll in of comics during the holidays and she was always grateful that her dad had managed to get a hold of them while she was away at school. The Gryffindor grabbed a few of...
  8. Conan Burke

    Open One of the Lasts

    Conan wasn't sure how he felt about being back. It felt weird as he knew he wouldn't be returning next year. He knew he had to figure out what he wanted to do once he graduated, but he had no idea if he was being honest. It was around about midday, no classes were happening for a bit and Conan...
  9. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Finding a Balance

    Marley was glad to be back at school, she was glad to be seeing her friends again and getting back to the swing of things when it came to classes. She knew that this year was going to be a bit of a challenge. She had OWLs this year, so she knew she had to focus on that this year. But this year...
  10. Declan Burke

    Open New Country, New Adventures

    Declan was unsure about the move at first when his parents told him they were going to be moving to a whole new country. It meant he had to leave everything he knew behind. He had to leave his friends behind. Sure he had his cousins here in New Zealand, but it wasn't really the same. His cousins...
  11. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Chain Full of Daisies

    It was now during the school break, and Marley was happy to spend her time during the break with her family as well as the friends she had missed while she was away at school. The Hufflepuff had lingered in the park for some time now. She had been a bit bored in the house, so she wanted to spend...
  12. Theodore Harper

    Open Exploring the Sights

    Theo's parents had been dragging him and the rest of his siblings around Obsidian Harbour. Which had more to do with the errands they needed to run more than anything. He had convinced his parents long and hard for him to linger around the harbour by himself to explore for while, while his poor...
  13. Eliza Reynolds

    Open Unusual Place to Be

    Honestly, these school events weren't the usual places that Eliza would attend. But she guessed she should at least try and be out of her comfort zone. The girl made her way to the Yule ball, an unsure feeling laid at the pit of her stomach. When Eliza arrived at the great hall, she was...
  14. Thomas Fitzgerald

    Open Just Trying My Best

    It was the second semester, and Thomas still had mixed emotions about being at Hogwarts. He had enjoyed the break. He liked spending time with his family. He was reluctant to come back for the second semester. The Hufflepuff hardly made any friends at school, it was hard enough that he wasn't...
  15. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Subtle Fresh Breeze

    It had only been a few weeks since they arrived back at school for the second semester, and Marley was excited to be back at school. While she had enjoyed spending time with her family over the break, she had missed seeing and spending time with her friends. She also missed the Quidditch games...
  16. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Sunrise Rock Skipping

    Marley was glad to be back at school, and glad to be seeing her friends and classmates. She missed school if she was being honest. The girl did in fact enjoy the lake. It was always a calming place to come back to when she just needed a quiet or calm place to be. Matley made her way to the...
  17. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Doodling Rather Than Studying

    While Marley thought that study group sessions helped a lot of the time, with it helping her grab more insight from other people as well as hearing ideas and whatnot, Marley thought that there were times when studying by yourself was also a good thing. So the Hufflepuff had decided to make her...
  18. Thomas Fitzgerald

    Open Curious Waters

    It had been a couple of days since Thomas had started at Hogwarts, and so far he was finding it okay. The boy hadn't really made any friends yet and the school was much bigger than he thought it would be, which scared him a little. No, scratched that, it scared him a lot. He knew it was going to...
  19. Conan Burke

    Open Research of Interest

    Conan hadn't really spent much time in the library, but he thought it might be a good idea too, as he knew he was going to want to study when he was doing his OWLs next year. But at the moment he wasn't focusing on his classes. He wanted to do some research on seashells. Sure he only knew facts...
  20. Molly Burke

    Open Expect the Unexpected I Guess?

    Never in a million years did Molly ever think she had been chosen as head girl. She would've thought maybe her friends like Gwen or Renata would've gotten the role. She accepted a while ago that she wasn't going to get the chance to be a prefect, and yet here she was, a head girl. This news had...