open after dan

  1. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Open 6 down 1 to go

    Geo had attended her first Yule ball with her friends, so it was only fitting that for her last that she went with one of her best. The seventh year knew she still had a lot of making up to do, and the last few years hadn’t been easy for either of them, but maybe there was a chance that this was...
  2. Aleksandra Kaster

    Open Allonsy!

    Aleksandra loved watching the Quidditch players practice. For a long time she'd wanted to be a player herself, but it had quickly become quite clear to her that she wasn't actually that good, so she'd given up on that dream. Still, she wasn't one to let that sort of thing get in the way of her...
  3. Evelyn Manning

    Open Last Best?

    Evelyn had been preparing this moment for so long. While thinking of it, made her sad though also had something joyfull. It would be the last dance for her and all her other classmates. But the blonde had enjoyed her time around this school so much that she had to do her make-up again after some...
  4. Chante Harvelle-Ateara

    Open Trying for a smile

    Chante wore whatever her mother manage to scrap up for the Yule Ball. An event Chante ignored most of her previous years because it really didn't call to her attention. This year, this year it was supposed to be different. Chante had plan out to ask Len in a special way since they kissed and...