nicole fisk

  1. Iris van Houten

    Closed Losing Half of Yourself

    #108990 Ever since Iris had been called out of the common room to hear the news about her sister, she felt like she had been floating. It didn't feel real, none of it did. Even as Iris looked at Emma's petrified body in the Hospital Wing bed, she felt like she wasn't really seeing it. She felt...
  2. Hayzel West

    🌹 Rose Giving Red for a Sister

    Hayzel knew she could just deliver Nicole's rose at the dungeons but where's the fun in that? And she knew Nicole would most likely be in the Heta headquarters than in the common room. She made her way there after delivering Chloe's rose and peeked into the room. "Paging Nicole Fisk! A rose...
  3. Augustus Westwick

    Closed Inconspicuous Mission

    Augustus wasn't exactly following Nicole, but he also wasn't entirely not following her. He had spotted her on the fourth floor and had headed into the library after her because he had been looking for an opportunity to deliver his message to her for a while now. He pulled the creased piece of...
  4. Augustus Westwick

    🌹 Rose Giving A Yellow Rose for a Pretty Girl

    Augustus had saved this last rose for last, both because he was nervous and because he hoped he could linger around and maybe talk to Nicole a little longer. That would be great, if scary. He asked a Slytherin to get Nicole from the common room, waiting anxiously for her to arrive.
  5. Poppy Perkins

    Closed Word Travels Fast

    Poppy had been in the gardens working on some readings when she overheard some other students talking about some kind of public break up. She was about to ignore their gossiping until she heard one of them mention Eric Holland. She had frowned and immedicably went to look for Nicole. On her way...
  6. Eric Holland

    Closed Dashed Hopes and Bitter Thoughts

    Eric couldn't believe he had actually decided to wear nice clothes, go to the dance, drink some of the disgusting punch, only to realize that the one person he had hoped to see was there as a date of someone he hated. He had seen Minnie and Noel together and immediately decided he hated the...
  7. Ajaccio Skey

    Open Borrowing A Friend for a Dance

    Ajaccio had an odd note from Andy just a little before gotten ready for the ball, it was a little out of nowhere and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. He couldn’t imagine she was serious, he had perhaps not been as good a friend as he could’ve been, but he had always been clear that he...
  8. Ajaccio Skey

    Open Nollie Yellow

    Yellow rose for @Nicole Fisk Having. his first delivery of this year be for a friend was a good thing. He knew it would make thing a lot easier for him. Ajaccio had gotten the basket of roses and ridden off in. his skateboard, knowing it would be the quickest way of finding people. He...
  9. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Rose like the sun

    ((Yellow rose for Nicole Fisk, open after Kris)) Usually he did not take part in such an affair, but this time he decided it was worth trying something new. The first rose wasn't that difficult because the boy knew the twin sister had a girlfriend, Nicole Fisk. So he knew well that he had to go...
  10. Iris van Houten

    Open Future in Flowers

    ((Open after Nicole Fisk)) Iris had always been eager to learn Divination at Hogwarts, but she knew that they wouldn't learn anything about it until the third year. After talking to Selene, she had learned that they wouldn't even have it until the second semester of the third year, so Iris had...
  11. Amy Jewel

    Open Lovely Yellow

    ((Yellow rose for Nicole Fisk, open after Kris)) Amy hadn't really hung out at the other house tables much, so it felt weird to be looking for someone at the Slytherin table. She wasn't great at meeting the younger students, but she knew some of them by name. Nicole Fisk had a familiar ring to...