maris wormwood

  1. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Stop and spill the tea

    It was late. Elvera had been sitting in the professors lounge after dinner initially talking to some of the other professors before getting absorbed in the book she was reading, a novel about a teashop and a ghost and a dog and a man regretting his past. it was a good book as the minute hand...
  2. Josephine Arora

    Closed Exasperating Teenagers

    Sometimes Josephine questioned her wish to work at a school, of all places. She liked her job, loved being a nurse, but dealing with hormonal teenagers all day wasn't her favorite part of it. They could be frustrating and while Josephine sometimes saw herself in them, that didn't exactly help in...
  3. Andi Hart

    All You Can Eat

    Andi had heard of the whereabouts of the kitchen of Hogwarts. She could only imagine what it would look like. To be able to serve that much food for that many students, well, there probably had to be over a thousand cooks. The food had tasted better than anything the Matron had made, and...