Landon was looking forward to his next delivery. He quite liked June, despite knowing what most of her classmates thought of her. She cared for her sisters (mostly) and was loyal to her family. He had no reason to dislike her. With his basket of roses gripped tightly, Landon spent quite a bit...
This thread is open for reactions after Morrie and June both respond and the prank has been pulled off
Today was the day. Finally, Vanity was going to get back at June. She had been trying tot hink fo ways to get to the girl for months now, trying to think of a plan together with Morrie...
Santiago had started to accept his fate when it came to Hogwarts. He knew it was too late to convince his parents to send him to any other school. At least he had started to carve out a space for himself here between quidditch and having at least one friend. He still felt lonely all the time but...
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