emilia manning

  1. Emilia Manning

    Emilia Viola Manning

    Emilia Viola Manning FAMILY Casper Manning - Father Agnete Manning - Mother Jorden Manning - Uncle Thyra Manning - Aunt Evelyn Manning - Cousin Espen Manning - Cousin Cathryn Holmgaard - Aunt Olaf Holmgaard - Aunt Athena Holmgaard - Cousin Christina Holmgaard - Cousin Crystal Holmgaard -...
  2. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open The last pink rose

    ((Pink rose for Emilia Manning, open after Daphne)) The last rose didn't have to go anywhere near the same table, but only this time he asked the hufflepuff where Emilia Manning was and when he was pointed at the girl, Thomas walked over to her for a long time. ''Hey, I was told that you're...
  3. Ajaccio Skey

    Open There are steps?!

    Yellow rose for Emilia Manning Ajaccio had been pretty lucky in finding the people he needed to, he'd been told that the next person he needed, Emilia Manning was in the trophy room, which wasn't a room he'd be to before. He went to skateboard into the room, and was surprised when he was met...
  4. Alexis Kramer

    Red Blooms in the Courtyard

    @Emilia Manning Being a member of the WPC and had been delivering roses were Alexis' routine that she was determined to see through. She could not somehow forgive herself that she was not able to sign up for it last year. With this in mind and a basket on hand, the Ravenclaw was on the hunt...