
  1. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Fourth Years, Lesson One

    LESSON ONE Noel was waiting behind his desk for the fourth years to arrive. They were the oldest students he teached so he was looking forward to meeting the group. He figured Defence Against The Dark Arts was an class worth following and people would like it. He walked to the front of his desk...
  2. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Second Years, Lesson One

    FIRST LESSON Noel was reading over some of the homework assignments from the first years, figuring to start with it right away. But than the second years began to walk in the classroom and he put the assignments beside him on an pile, to focus on this class. He than stood up and welcomed them...
  3. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    First Years, Lesson One

    LESSON ONE Noel sat down behind his desk, one that once had been from the person who had teached him this subject. But now it was his. As he had made things all ready to start he watched around the classroom, still empty seats who would be soon filled with first years. But as he heard some...
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  13. June Davenport

    Closed An Awkward Boggart Lesson

    [Adminapproval= ID#87341/#115234] June had been thinking about the boggart lesson, it had been staying in her mind lately and now it was time to face it. It wasn't that she was scared, she felt confident about her own qualities. But it was more the unknown of what she would see, she had no...