cyrus thorne

  1. Naveen Khatri

    Closed Passing Time

    Naveen had been a little surprised just how easy it could be to make friends. Sure sometimes you had to go out of your way to meet people but sometimes they just clicked into place. He wasn't entirely sure how he and Cyrus became friends. They just started to hang out, and never stopped. They...
  2. Cyrus Thorne

    Cyrus James Thorne

    Name: Cyrus James Thorne Birthdate: 12/1/2050 Blood status: Mixed Blood Zodiac sign: Capricorn Sexuality: Unknown Hometown: London, UK School: Hogwarts NZ House: Ravenclaw Clubs: - Wand: Curly 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core Patronus: Sparrow Hair: Cyrus has...