crystal holmgaard

  1. Celia Vuong

    Closed Sweet Like Sugar Venom

    The Student Lounge had always been one of Celia's favorite spots in the castle. As the center of student life, it was the place to both see and be seen. After the events of the last semester, Celia had taken to avoiding the lounge, but right now, she wanted to be seen again. Or, rather, she...
  2. Sky Eriksen

    🌹 Rose Giving Your skin and bones turn into something beautiful

    Sky was glad that she had managed to get through as many of her roses as she had with everyone being so busy it was like everyone had come out of the woodwork today. as she wandered throughthe castle, she decided to have a look in the library. maybe one of her deliveries would be in there even...
  3. Celia Vuong

    Closed Walking on Ice, But Nobody Breaks It

    While watching the Ravenclaw Quidditch tryouts, Celia had been a little startled to see a face she'd long forgotten about. Crystal Holmgaard. Celia had never paid much attention to the girl, finding her utterly unremarkable. In fact, Crystal was so unremarkable that Celia hadn't even realized...
  4. Gwen Goodwin

    Closed Who Are You?

    Gwen knew she needed more friends, more people to surround herself with. She would never again let some boy break her heart and make her withdraw into herself. This was going to be her year. Her brand new prefect's badge was proof of that. She found herself scanning every room for new candidates...
  5. Max Kiefer

    Closed The First Escape Attempt

    Max was desperate to leave Hogwarts. He had only been here for a few days but as each day passed he could swear he felt his snowboarding skills decreasing. The past few days had been horrible, knowing he was stuck here, with no snow and no mountains anywhere, and what made it even worse was the...