avery lancaster

  1. Celia Vuong

    Closed Reaching for the Glory

    Up until now, Celia thought she'd done a decent job of keeping her personal feelings separate from her Quidditch responsibilities. It had been years since she'd hit anyone out of anger — a feat admittedly made easier by Ares' graduation — and she'd even allowed Ivelisse to play despite wanting...
  2. Celia Vuong

    Closed Am I the Only One Looking For Substance?

    Celia still could not believe that Professor Josephs had basically abdicated her teaching duties for the year. This woman was supposed to be the head of Ravenclaw, a house dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, and she had simply decided she wouldn't be teaching them anything new because it...
  3. Louis Alcott

    Closed A Perfect Distraction

    Louis was upset. He had lost the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw. He was honestly humiliated by it and he hoped everyone else would forget it soon. But what bothered him, even more, was the fight he'd had with René right after. Fighting with Caleb was normal, but he didn't think...