anastasie vernier

  1. Clarissa Vernier

    Family Affairs

    A long day spent at work. Clarissa had gone to a muggle store to buy food after working on the road. She still had to think about what to do for dinner. The woman was tired of thinking of using magic to make something edible or even an easier way to order food, and she was more likely to switch...
  2. Gabrielle Perrault

    Closed Across The World

    set during the break before Y40 Gabrielle had to admit that suprising her best friend in New Zealand during the break had been one of her best ideas to date. Not only did it allow her to hang out with Kiara a lot, it also gave her the opportunity to finally see the country. To travel around a...
  3. Ivy Ashworth

    🌹 Rose Giving Captivating Gold

    Yellow rose, open after Anastasie Unfortunately for Ivy, the next person on her list wasn't a fellow first year. After delivering a rose to Ruben, she had a rose for a girl she didn't know. Ivy asked around and realized it was a seventh year Slytherin, someone who worked for the yearbook. Ivy...
  4. Blaise Chevalier

    Open Yellow for another snake

    Blaise Chevalier emerged from the dungeons, knowing that he had searched and found no one he was looking for so that was why he went to the ground floor, and into the entrance area. Finally, he found her. "Anastasie Vernier! I have a rose for you!" called out the Ravenclaw.