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  1. Raylee Lagowski


    The hospital wing was inundated that day - a reminder to Ray of why she did not partake in the savage sport that was quidditch. She burst into the wing, robes and bright red hair billowing behind her, and jogged down the rows of beds before anyone could tell her to leave. It was quite a nasty...
  2. Raylee Lagowski

    Slippery Slope

    By the age of seven, Raylee Lagowski had already in fits of rage broken a small tricycle, several garden gnomes, an entire chess board, and two pretend wands; so it came as little surprise to her family when, following the death of Reagan, she had fled upstairs and demolished nearly every...
  3. Raylee Lagowski


    [adminapproval=11506123] The day was bright and cheerful, and whilst a wintry New Zealand chill hung in the crisp air, Ray was far too excited to let it concern her. Catching pneumonia was really the last thing on the impetuous redhead's mind, and she was sure a quick potion up in the hospital...
  4. Raylee Lagowski

    Happy Holidays

    It was the first day of the Christmas holidays, and many of the usual farmyard chores had been set aside. The animals had been fed, watered and cleaned, but the Lagowskis had long since abandoned any hope of a harvest in the bitter weather. Not even magic could keep the soil from freezing over...
  5. Raylee Lagowski

    Starting Early

    R A Y L E E ;; L A G O W S K I B u r s t i n g  t h r o u g h  a  b l o o d  r e d  s k y...[size=50] [color=#705E52]Meet Raylee! Or perhaps I should say Ray, since that's what she demands to be called. I thought I'd start early on plots this year (I know, we're not even in semester...
  6. Raylee Lagowski

    Raylee Colette Lagowski

    R A Y L E E ;; L A G O W S K I B u r s t i n g  t h r o u g h  a  b l o o d  r e d  s k y... [FULL NAME] Raylee Colette Lagowski [FORENAME] Raylee is a Modern English combination of the names Ray and Lee. Ray is a nickname for Raymond meaning "advice; protector" and Lee is...