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    Clarisse didn't know what to do. What to say. But there was nothing for her to do or to say. She loved him. Loved him so much for the past years of her life. She knew he loved her. She knew it, she felt it. But the feeling of dread, of longing, of wanting something and of doubt had never left...
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    As Clarisse looked at him and waited for him to be the first one to speak, she couldn't help but notice that within the wrecked nerves that was usually him, there was a hint of bravery. And it was causing a sinking feeling within her stomach that told her that this day would be something she...
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    She loved him. Clarisse had known that fact even before she and Damon had started dating six years ago. They had started out as acquaintances after all and moved on to being friends for quite some time and while she was pretty sure in their time of friendship, they had developed feelings for...
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    Nuclear Seasons

    Clarisse was really starting to regret a lot of things. She really wasn't one to regret stuff, even mistakes as she had an outlook in life that enables her to view mistakes as a way for her to learn. But the more she spends time with the man named Tristan Pierce, more and more regrets had been...
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    Perfect Match

    Abel and Killy... 'Nuff said.. :P
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    I Hate You And We're Drunk

    Clarisse was dizzy. Dizzy with the alcohol and dizzy with pleasure. She didn't care anymore if he seemed familiar or she was wrong about him for all she cared right now was the pleasure he was currently giving her. She was wrapped around his little finger and she couldn't even care less because...
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    Bi-Weekly Update!

    Thanks Donna! :D Great update!! :D ^_^
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    Nuclear Seasons

    Clarisse Richards was rare to experience anger, loathing and hatred though it seemed that today was one particular day that she would experience all three. It had barely been a month since she had returned from the pastry camp that she had joined for two months. She could easily say that those...
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    I Hate You And We're Drunk

    It wasn't quite the normal thing for Clarisse to be in the bar nor to be drunk nor to enjoy advances of a man she barely knew. Or even better, a man she perhaps never knew until tonight. While there was that lingering feeling of familiarity between the two of them, Risa was extra and very sure...
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    I Hate You And We're Drunk

    If Clarisse were in her right state of mind or in a state of sobriety, she would have probably denied the advances of the man in front of her. Yet, here she was, in a drunken state and completely content with the attention she was receiving. In fact, not only was she contented with it but she...
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    I Hate You And We're Drunk

    Clarisse felt her head going from one thought to another. It couldn't be helped when she was drunk really. Her thoughts always seemed to go about her head yet none of them were ever coherent enough for her to understand. Most were just blurred and the others didn't make any sense, and so in the...
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    I Hate You And We're Drunk

    Clarisse had never really been the heavy drinker, but these were one of the rare times that she was. Aside from that, she wasn't a frequent one at bars either and so, the few times that she had gone to one, she was quite the uncontrollable woman. She didn't find it as much of a problem though...
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    I Hate You And We're Drunk

    Clarisse Richards was feeling hyper whilst in a car together with her new friends in New Zealand. It was only a month ago when her boss at the pastry shop had given her an invitation to a two-month camp where they would be taught techniques and recipes in baking. Of course, being one who really...
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    Sorry About the Dress

    Clarisse couldn't help but smile at this man. It was not a forced one nor was it a business smile. It was completely genuine and of pure happiness. It was like she was enjoying herself around the man named Damon. Although there were quite some times when they were awkward around each other and...
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    Sorry About the Dress

    While Clarisse did feel a little uncomfortable with the man's staring she utterly didn't mind it at all. She just stood there quite awkwardly, not exactly knowing what to do. It was her first time in a stranger's house even more so, a man's house and it was a new experience for her as she wasn't...
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    Sorry About the Dress

    Clarisse just stared for a bit. She couldn't believe what she saw. Was that a wand? she asked herself. It was quite nerve-wrecking in her thoughts. She couldn't decipher whether the man in front of her right now is a wizard or just some crazy guy holding a stick and then throwing it away. The...
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    Sorry About the Dress

    Clarisse couldn't help but smile at the man's insistence. Surely he wasn't the only one at fault, if she were careful, she could have avoided bumping in to him too. And when he insisted some more, Clarisse couldn't help but give up. "Okay, okay, I surrender. Your fault," she said in between...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    I love it!! :wub: Thank you so much!!
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    Sorry About the Dress

    Clarisse couldn't believe how much of a klutz she was for failing to notice a man coming straight at her, then bumping to him and unfortunately falling into the muddy ground. She was quite thankful that it seemed like the one she bumped into was a kind man, and not some criminal waiting behind...
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    Sorry About the Dress

    It was quite a long day from work and Clarisse wasn't so very sure whether to feel relieved or sad about it. She had been baking and making sweets and pastries for hours, but she never seem to get too tired of it. It was always so fun to do and truth be told, fun to snag a few bites as well. As...