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  1. R


    The only way this night could be ruined, was if someone came along and interrupted their time to together. But of course that was exactly was going to happen as well. The moment he heard someone cooly call Kamaria's name, Rurik broke the kiss they were in the middle of, and sighed. At least it...
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    Rurik shook his head, knowing fully well that he wasn't the type of bad that her family appreciated. "I'm not that kind of bad. Not into dark magic and all, I mean. More like the, I'm up to no good and I'm not much use to anyone kind of bad. So they'll probably just deem me useless." He knew...
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    Rurik really wished that he had better luck with attracting girls that didn't have scary dads. He knew there were dads out there who enjoyed their daughters choices in boyfriends and whatnot, but why was it so hard for one man to actually go out there and find one? Rurik rubbed the side of his...
  4. R


    Rurik froze when Kamaria suddenly threw her arms around his neck. He was never good with surprises, and this was the last thing he had expected from her. But after a moment he relaxed, and used his palm to rub at her back. Apparently she was troubled by something, though Rurik honestly had no...
  5. R

    Some memories are permanent

    Rurik wasn't sure about this whole dinner idea, mostly because he wasn't good around people until he got to know them. For the most part he had been silent around Kamaria's siblings. He knew their names and their basic personality types, but other than that he was clueless. Rurik was also a big...
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    "You worry too much. There's no need to treat me like a child. Anyways, I'm out for a bit. Later." Rurik explained to his dad as he lazily stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned away. His father never used to care what Rurik did, but lately he had been on his case a lot. One almost had to...
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    Dusk's Beginning

    Rurik wanted to laugh at Jarrett. They had been on the same Quidditch team for years now, and Rurik was now just taking the time to get to know him. Jarrett was a pretty funny guy. But he did have Rurik worried about him being an alcoholic. "Getting out or not, I don't think I'll ever be into...
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    Dusk's Beginning

    Rurik shot Jarrett a look. He barely knew the guy, but he kind of wondered if Jarrett was a borderline alcoholic or something. Especially if he thought all alcohol tasted good, no matter where it was at. "I strongly disagree my friend. It is not the same, and there are a lot of drinks that taste...
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    Dusk's Beginning

    </COLOR> <COLOR color="#000">Rurik breathed out and let out a puff of smoke along with it. It was strange that he hadn’t really spoken to Jarrett before this. They had been on the same team together for quite some time. What kept them from speaking this entire time? Perhaps it was just...
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    Now What?

    Rurik blinked. What did the sun have to do with people looking young or not. Unless she was referring to the sun giving people wrinkles or something. If that was the case then she must have been a lot younger than he thought. Didn’t she know that he was a wizard? Oh the things magic could do...
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    Dusk's Beginning

    Rurik Hensel sighed deeply as he closed his locker containing Quidditch supplies. After a long day of practice all Rurik wanted to do was relax for a couple of hours before he headed home. Practice was never long enough for him these days. Rurik constantly needed to keep himself busy. If he...
  12. R

    New person here :)

    Welcome to HNZ Jessica! :hugs: My name is Jessye! I hope to see you around the board often!
  13. R

    Now What?

    [font=Times New Roman]Even though Rurik heard Kamaria say that she doubted he was in his fifties, he struggled to keep his calm while thinking about it. He never wanted to think about being old and elderly. In his opinion he was already pretty damn old. With each and every year he got older too...
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    Good luck with exams and stuff! :hugs:
  15. R

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  16. R

    Hot or Not

    </FONT><FONT font="Lucida">LoseTheMakeup/OutofTen Unless you like looking like a freaking raccoon. <i></i>
  17. R

    Now What?

    "Neither can I." Rurik would like the ability to be able to read minds though. It would give him so many answers to the things he didn't know. Like the answers to tests, or whether or not someone was a friend or a foe. But Rurik also suspected that horrible things would come into play if he...
  18. R

    Now What?

    Rurik shrugged. Him being reckless was somewhat of a touchy subject. He could be at times but he wasn't usually. It was normally when he got angry that things started to get out of control. Most of the time he was stuck babysitting his idiot friends and making sure that they didn't cause too...
  19. R

    Now What?

    "Rurik's definitely not. He's just an ass." Tyler called from the corner when the young girl accused them all of compensating. Rurik grew annoyed at this because he hated it when his friends found it okay to talk about his more personal life. Yes he got more girls than they did. No, he didn't...
  20. R

    Now What?

    Rurik was ready to leave girl be. He never really liked to bother with people he didn't know or had to get to know. This was among the non-important to him. While she seemed young, he could tell she was in her late teen's at least. Rurik was only a few steps away when the girl introduced...