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  1. T

    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Tony smiled, taking a gulp of his beer. However, his smile quickly faded when Jack pretty much asked him if he had a girlfriend. Shrugging, Tony was unsure how to break the news to the man. He would either be disgusted, or take it like it was nothing. It depended mostly on how polite the man...
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    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Opening the fridge and throwing a nice, cold beer in Jack's direction, Tony took one for himself and opened it, though he didn't drink it until he'd made his way into the lounge. It was a large lounge, and a room he took pride in being a little cluttered. However, his idea of clutter was a few...
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    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Despite having drunk a fair amount, Tony was pretty sturdy when Jack tripped on a kurb and had to hold onto him for support. Having helped him up onto the pavement, Tony shook his head. There was no need for apologies. As they made their way slowly down the street as not to crash into anything...
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    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Tony released the breath he didn't realise he'd been holding and decided that enough was enough. Any more drinks and they'd be unlikely to make it down the road and into Tony's house. Gesturing that they should go, he attempted to stand up from the stool. It was funny, that Tony had just met...
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    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Unsure how to break the news to Jack, Tony hesistated for a moment, tapping the table without thinking about it. He didn't want to upset the man, but he couldn't just let him find out for himself. Though he rarely travelled, Tony knew the bus times from when friends had visited, and many had had...
  6. T

    Kiss Marry or Avoid,

    ((I love you, Beth :wub: )) Kiss: Gary Barlow Marry: Tony Slattery.. ;-) Avoid: Peter Facinelli Guys: Matt Smith, Michael McIntyre, Robert Pattinson Girls: Demi Lovato, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Lisa Kudrow
  7. T

    The Wheel's On The Bus

    [font=verdana][size=50] Tony had a vague idea about where Horsham was, but couldn't really focus on something so tiring for long. Instead, he sipped his drink once more, wondering when he'd decide to stumble home. He wasn't quite sure what Jack meant, but he shrugged simply to avoid asking him...
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    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Tony felt Jack give him a warm smile without even looking at him, though he glanced toward him to confirm his suspicions. This man, Jack, was far too nice. Suddenly feeling as though the two could have best friends, he was eager to answer his questions. "Yeah, I live just a five minute walk from...
  9. T

    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Tony chuckled inwardly at the man's interest in him and how he had responded. His job seemed far more interesting, however, than acting. He would have loved to do something so simple, which helped others, instead of just amused them. "That sounds fun," Tony was being serious, and hoped he didn't...
  10. T

    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Tony felt himself relax when the man laughed gently. At least he hadn't already come to the conclusion that Tony was a complete lunatic. When he asked about his career, Tony was pleasantly surprised. Not many people recognized him. He'd been in a few things and had main roles, but the films had...
  11. T

    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Tony was shocked to hear a voice next to him. He was even more surprised to find out that it was directed straight at him. Swallowing the mouthful of drink he didn't realise had been in his mouth, he gave an amused smile back, ordering another of what he'd just had. He hadn't ever made...
  12. T

    The Wheel's On The Bus

    Since his Father had died, Tony had seen little purpose in his life. Each day was meaningless, and he felt he could no longer make a difference. Yes, he was an actor, but he was certainly not well known enough for people to stop him in the street. And the day he was asked to be in something new...
  13. T

    Tony Colbane

    Tony Colbane[font=georgia] BASICS Full name: Tony Declan Colbane Age: 30 Gender: Male Area of residence: Brighton, England, UK Blood status: Muggle Occupation: Actor Sexual orientation: Gay Marital status: Single (looking) APPEARANCE Hair colour: Dark brown Hair style: Short, straight Eye...