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  1. A

    Til Death Do They Part

    Antoine relaxed slightly as Orion lingered at his side. The blue eyes matched, which was uncanny, but it meant that they were truly father and son. The son seemed just as awkward as he was. Perhaps a bit less cold. Antoine rested his hand upon his son’s hip and he looked ahead at the mother of...
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    Til Death Do They Part

    That hard hit to the head brought back what felt like a flood of memories. Antoine remembered the talks he had with Astraea, looking at her, and quite possibly feeling something for her that he couldn't really label. He remembered Orion, Orion's birth, everything he did as he was sleepwalking...
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    Til Death Do They Part

    Antoine let out a sigh of relief when she informed him that they did not do that. It was too awkward to think about. He did not want to end up to be a father again. It was weird enough to have Orion who was gaining some ears. He did not seem remarkably fazed when she mentioned that he almost...
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    Til Death Do They Part

    The groan from Astraea did not mean much to Antoine. She just did not want to wake up, and by now he was getting used to her behaviors. Some of them was amusing for the unfeeling man, at least, supposed to be unfeeling. He started to feel emotions and it bothered him immensely. Astraea fought...
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    Til Death Do They Part

    Two weeks later... [hr]Antoine Snow was getting used to the idea of not having to kill Astraea. Their own son that he was sent and ordered to kill was now eight years old, and it was something that Antoine could no longer do now that he had spent some actual time with him. Although being stuck...
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    Do as I Command

    Antoine looked over at Astoria before he waited for whatever she had to say to come rushing out. He had better things to do than to stand around here in plain sight where someone could spot him. At least he had his hood covering his skeletal face. Antoine just did not want to have anything to do...
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    Hot or Not

    Hmm./ Out of Ten There's nothing to get. I don't know you.
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    Do as I Command

    Antoine knew that his sister had gone a long way just to protect him, and he would be forever grateful, but when it came to thinks like this, he was not the best of brothers. He was sadistic, he knew this. He didn't so much as lift a finger to change anything about him. It was pointless. After...
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    Hot or Not

    Artist/ Out of Ten .........
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    Do as I Command

    Despite the fact that Antoine could hear his sister calling out toward him, Antoine continued to walk. He could care less about what she thought. He was doing what he was told, seeing as that was the only thing functioning in his brain for the time being. Having the potion ingredients to assist...
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    Do as I Command

    The trained killer took the photo into his hand, and his eerie pale blue eyes narrowed upon it. Antoine knew this woman. Astraea. The one that he somehow had a very complex relationship with. She was one that he did not care about, love, or even like. There was nothing there. The last time that...
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    Do as I Command

    Antoine Sciron Snow had been summoned by Theodore Snow, their so-called Head, to the Manor. He had been resting comfortably in Canada, away from the relentless Aurors when he had received the notification. Antoine may be the personal assassin for the Snow family, and he was good at what he did...
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    Austere Beings

    Apparently Antoine had this sleeping issue going on from the constant stress that he was under. None of that mattered, but him having a son with a complete stranger still unnerved him. Antoine wondered what else he had going on other than that because the sleep walking sounded like it was...
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    Austere Beings

    Antoine was seeing that he was not the only one confused right now. How could this have happened? Antoine looked down at the floor and he felt like he had no time to adjust to this news. He had a son apparently, and he did not even remember. He had glimpse of a kid running around in his dreams...
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    Austere Beings

    Antoine could not believe what he was seeing. Someone he knew, someone not family would not have come along and just done that to him without knowing just who he was, but there was something familiar about her, but he did not know what it was. Antoine looked down at his wand, and he debated on...
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    Austere Beings

    Antoine had closed his eerie blue eyes, and he doubted that he would be disturbed. Antoine was a known Death Eater but he was in a country that did not know of his presence. If they ever caught onto a trail that would lead him here, then he would have to deal with some Aurors, but that was...
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    At Risk

    Antoine barely lifted his head up to tell the woman that she was welcome, but in a way, he thought that she was not very welcome in the slightest. Antoine himself was not a welcoming person considering the type of person he was. A murderer. Not just any murderer but a wanted one at that, one...
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    Austere Beings

    Antoine Snow was arriving in Australia now, and had been here for a little while. Going under the fake alias of Harold Parkinson, Antoine was fooling many with his disguise and his subtle speeches. Coming to this country had been one of the best decisions that he had managed to say. As of...
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    At Risk

    Antoine used the very little money he had on him right now to order something small to drink as he did not see any point in staying here much longer. Thankfully he had some muggle money from the person that he had killed miles and miles away. He preferred having his stash of gold in his home in...
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    At Risk

    Antoine Snow was in France, which was rather dangerous for him as he was a wanted man. Wearing a black cloak over him, covering his arms and he had a hood over his head, walking in a muggle village, the young man looked around with his eerie blue eyes. Antoine was wanted in this country for...