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    Music to My Ears

    Rachelle was sitting in her dorm, listening to music, as usual. She loved to listen to Rock and Alternative, especially Nickelback. She was listening to the song "Got to be Somebody" and was staring at the fire. As the songs continued and time passed, she felt more and more awake. So she...
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    In her haste she ran away, though to be polite she hurry and replied "Nothings wrong I just need to meet someone and am in a hurry, see you later!" Then she continued to turn around and run off, hearing her feet clatter on the hard, cold ground. She looked back really happy to have met Tally...
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    She smiled back and looked in the background and realized it was getting dark. Rachelle in a panic said "I got to go! I need to get back to the dorm to meet someone. Will I see you later?"
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    Feeling a bit more comfortable Rachelle replied, "I don't really know, I just find it interesting. Though I have to agree with you on Divination and Animal Care. They sound fun." :) She decided that this girl wasn't so bad, she began to think that they could POSSIBLY be friends.
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    Feeling bad about her first impression, she calmed down and said "I am very excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts. What about you?" She now felt really bad and became quiet and allowed her muscles to stiffen and her head to droop.
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    Rachelle had about had enough of this goody good. Though Rachelle tried to be nice and said "That's cool, maybe we will see each other." She could tell the girl didn't like her very much.... Though maybe they could be friends if she could convince the girl that she isn't a bad person.
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    Rachelle scowled back at the girl and in a proud tone said "I am in Ravenclaw!" She decided that she wouldn't get along very well with this girl... She seemed like a Goody Two Shoes.
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    Wow, Really?

    Rachelle sat in the corner of a book store reading, she loved it. She loved the movie playing through her head. Though today she was distracted, she couldn't get her mind of her cookies she had brought to share.
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    As Rachelle walked down Obsidian Harbor she had a million thoughts racing through her head. She kept her head low, hoping that she could just get to her destination before nightfall. When she was attacked in the face by a girl wearing butterfly wings. Then in a state of shock said "I am so...
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    Rachelle Woodmansee

    1.Well her patronus is a tree frog because 1. they are her favorite animal 2. They are loving and full of energy and 3. They remind her of her father. 2.She named her frogs after Greek Gods because of the way they acted and her obsession over Greece and it's myths. 3.No, she doesn't with...
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    Rachelle Woodmansee

    Full Name: Rachelle Woodmansee Date of Birth:July 21, 2016 Current Age: 11 Basic Appearance:Blonde hair, gray eyes in the day, blue at night, small build, tan skin, no braces,no freckles. Personality:Rachelle is a very bubbly and athletic person. She is also a straight A student. Family...