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  1. N

    Going to the pub - part 1

    Nathalie's eyes were on the dance floor as she tired to look for Amelia and her 'friend' Tristan, they were out of her sight it seemed and she cannot help but wonder where they were now. She wasn't particularly sure of what it was that she should be doing at such situation now, hearing Jack...
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    Going to the pub - part 1

    Nathalie turned to look at Jack, now, they were pretty much alone and it would be rather awkward if they would just sit there in silence. Amelia wanted them to be friends it seemed, and she should at least make an effort to actually talk to him now. "Are you enjoying Jack?" She asked politely as...
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    Something Radiates

    Watching Jake do some sort a victory dance, Nathalie cannot help but to laugh, he looks so much like a child to her, enjoying everything as if there was nothing to be worried about, as if not really caring whether he'll get sick or not. "Your aim's good." She complimented him, though she figured...
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    Going to the pub - part 1

    Nathalie was too fixated with her surroundings that she wasn't even able to notice that the two guys had actually left to fetch them a drink, well, not until she had heard Amelia asked about how she was doing, "I'm enjoying I guess... just wasn't used to such place, but I'm fine." She said...
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    Something Radiates

    Nathalie was worried when she saw Jake fell down on the ground, too worried in fact that she had run up to him to see whether he was fine or not. "Are you-" She had had to stop in mid sentence when she saw him laughing, he doesn't seem hurt at all, and that was such a relief. Hearing his...
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    Pocketful of sunshine

    Nathalie giggled as she heard Brad talk, really, how random can he be? He's really funny in her opinion, and honestly, he brightens up her day. "It does taste weird eh?" She said, smiling as she took some salad as well. It really was weird actually, how the meal served there for them was not...
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    Pocketful of sunshine

    Smiling, Nathalie followed Brad towards the hall, of course, he was just one pocketful of sunshine, he was just too cheerful in her opinion, but she did enjoy his company too. Taking a sit right beside him, she also took the same meal that he did, that's what she would usually do whenever she...
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    Going to the pub - part 1

    Nathalie frowned when she saw some drunken men calling out to them, she didn't like what they were doing at all, but luckily though, Amy had the presence of mind to bring out her wand, which as funny as it looked, made the drunkards back up, smiling to herself, she didn't noticed that there were...
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    Pocketful of sunshine

    "How will you know that I am watching you if you are sleeping? Or maybe you're just pretending to be asleep?" Nathalie stated, smiling warmly at Brad, of course, she could see that he was just kidding, but she wanted to go along with him now. She just wanted to have even just a little fun. She...
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    Pocketful of sunshine

    Nathalie had almost jumped from her seat when she heard a sudden voice, of course, it was no other than Brad, there was no else around aside from them of course. But even so, the sudden sound had really startled her. "You almost gave me a heart attack Brad." She said, pouting abit as she placed...
  11. N

    Something Radiates

    Nathalie knew how weird and silly she must have looked. Mud all over her usually elegant dress, her usually perfect hair wet and now clinging unto her face, yet, she had never felt so free as she was now. She could care less if others would think that what she was doing was inappropriate, or if...
  12. N

    A Change in Leadership

    Congratulations Cyndi!
  13. N

    Something Radiates

    Nathalie watched in amusement as Jake started to dance, he was just like a child by then, carefree, not having any worries about what the others were thinking, and she admired him for that. She laughed quietly as he flicked some water at her, surely, it wouldn't do any affect at all, for at the...
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    Pocketful of sunshine

    As Brad left to shower and change, Nathalie proceeded to return to her dorm too. She knew that the others might wonder why she was dripping wet from head to toe, yet, she didn't mind. She was too happy to even care about what the others would say to her now, she'll think about that later, but at...
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    Something Radiates

    Nathalie curtsied in front of the waiter as a sign of appreciation for the service that was offered to them before she headed out of the restaurant and ran after Jake. The first drop of rain on her skin had made her shiver, it's cold, yet she decided not to care at all. Watching Jake, Nathalie...
  16. N

    Pocketful of sunshine

    Nathalie followed Brad to the common room, honestly, it didn't make sense how a girl can enter the boy's dorm while the boy couldn't enter the girls', too much discrimination she guessed. "Don't worry, they wouldn't know, and well... I don't regret playing in the rain, it's fun." She said...
  17. N

    Something Radiates

    "But even so, I want you to know that I can't possibly get bored when talking with you.." Nathalie said, smiling warmly at the boy. He was really fun to talk to, he's just too spontaneous and he know how to have fun without offending anyone. It's quite amusing, everything that he would say, no...
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    Something Radiates

    Nathalie shook her hand from side to side in front of her face as Jake asked whether he was actually boring, she didn't mean it to come off that way actually. "No, no, that's not what I mean Jake..." She said, pouting a bit as she saw him laughing. Of course, she wouldn't say that he was boring...
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    Pocketful of sunshine

    Nathalie could feel the cold droplets splashing onto her face. On her lips and over her eyelids. She knew that they must look silly, standing out in this storm, her head tilted towards the sky. But there was no one to see, and she didn't care. A bolt of lightning struck, followed almost...
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    Something Radiates

    "Oh, no, no, I'm just thinking when will this rain stop." Nathalie said, smiling warmly at Jake, she didn't mean to look as if she was thinking about something important after all, it's just that, she was worried that once the rain stopped, then she'll have to go and their conversation might...