Search results for query: *

  1. A


    Allysha was happy when she talked back to him, because it meant that she had a chance to make friends with a Slytherin. Not many Ravenclaws actually had Slytherin friends, but she knew that a lot of them were probably a lot more secretive then most. She wanted to maybe be friends with this girl...
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    Allysha skipped down to the Dungeons, this was probably one of the only places she hadn't been yet. This was partly because she was too scared to go to Potions, and she just didn't like the Slytherins who resided down here. They kind of scared her. But she was willing to go out of her comfort...
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    Today, I'm smiling because _________

    Today I'm smiling because... I have a bunch of friends who try to make me smile. ^_^
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    Rate the Sig

    10/10 It's nice. ^_^
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    Granted, but you don't like any of it. I wish there were new Glee episodes to watch ..
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    Count to 10 before staff post!

    Nick that's too cool. =)) However; One.
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    Graphics Request [C]

    For now I'll use this banner, and you can have another go if you want to later Pat? ^_^
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    A Couple Requests [T]

    I would like Hamza to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Marcus Adams Banner Type: Blend *Banner Size: Up to you. Celebrity you're using: Sam Worthington Images on banner: Anything from here. *Background Image: Up to you. *House Crest/Dark Mark: No thanks. Text on banner...
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    Since it was a small cookie .. you can. :tut:
  10. A


    Sooo Ilana. :r I have Allysha Vladimir, for a friend for the first girl. :P She's a kindhearted girl, and loves to make new friends. She is overly happy .. a lot of the time. =))