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  1. G

    Hello? Do I know you?

    The sun was just beginning to set as Gerard was leaning against a wall in Obsidian Harbour. He was all by himself and was leaning against the wall for something to do. He had a pair of headphones in, and was listening to his favourite band, My Chemical Romance, as he stared out at the setting...
  2. G

    Nothing like a cup of coffee in the sunlight.

    Gerard was sat in the park under the shade of a large tree, coffee in hand.His unusually smart outfit, scruffy pair of converses and his bright red hair looking as wild as ever made him stand out pretty well. He leant back against the trunk of the tree and looked up through the leaves, sun...
  3. G

    Not your average superhero

    Gerard was on a caffeine hype once again and had decided to head out to Obsidian Harbour. However unlike the general everyday public Gerard was a little different. He had decided that today was the day was the was the day for a My Chemical Romance style superhero look. He had a yellow mask on...
  4. G

    The Hyperactive Need Friends Too

    Gerard is a nineteen year old guy who is a little crazy and idolises Gerard Way. He is very sensitive to caffeine but loves energy drink so he is almost always incredibly hyperactive. He's a generally happy loving guy who is full of confidence but doesn't always know when to stop or be quiet. He...