Search results for query: *

  1. C

    New life

    Carlisle shrugged. He had not been to the place before so he didn't actually know what was good so he would play it safe and have what she would have. "Il just have what you have. He said with smile as she said her name. "Genvieve nice name. And i wouldnt mind working in the ministry but im...
  2. C

    New life

    Carlisle followed the girl into the restaurant. He felt a little odd about this as he didnt know the first thing abut her, not even her name. This wasnt his usual thing, he was still a teenager just out of school and he wasnt a big date person. He sat down opposite her and smiled as she welcomed...
  3. C

    New life

    Carlisle listened to her speak, nodding as he did so, to show that he was listening to her. "Well that does sound tiring but if you have come from Durmstrang then shouldnt you still be here, i graduated from there this year so i know the holidays." He said biting his lip He knew that now was not...
  4. C

    New life

    Carlisle thuoght for a secod before he answered her. He dd need to meet new people after all and what better way than over dinner. He thought to himself as he stood up an flashed her a smile. "Yeah sure ok then. Maybe i should let girls fall asleep on me more often." He joked as he took a step...
  5. C

    New life

    Carlisle felt a breeze blow past him. He didnt really notice the girl sat next to him until he felt something on his shoulder. His eye brows knitted together slightly as he slowly turned his head to look at what was on his shoulder. Before he could register that i was the girl until she stood...
  6. C

    New life

    Carlisle walked into the Harbour. He had only moved to New Zealand a few days ago and since h had spent most of that time in his new house unpacking, this was the first time he had been here. He didnt know which way to go but he do the smart thing and stay on the main pathway so the the would...
  7. C

    I'm not surprised,Not everything lasts

    I will offer you Carlisle to be in a relationship with alexis. He is my new character and under developed so i can shape him around her if you like.
  8. C

    Izaak [T]

    I would like <Izaak Finch> to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Carlisle Bishop Banner Type: what ever you like *Banner Size: what ever goes Celebrity you're using: Justin Timberlake Images on banner: Any from Here, here, or here (where h is alone Text on banner: Carlisle...