Search results for query: *

  1. N

    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah thanked Rosiee and took a chip out of the bag. He nibbled on it quietly while trying to think of an easy question. It was kind of lame but he decided to start from the basics, "Okay, whats your favorite color?" Noah asked Rosiee as he finished his chip and dug into the bag for another one...
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    Hogwarts: Subtly is a Gift Scarcely Given

    Noah fought of a laugh as the boy squealed and jumped. Noah kind of felt sorry for him afterwards though, that must have been embaressing infront of all those girls. Noah had been there before, but now that he was persuing Rosiee he really didn't care much what they other girls thought of him...
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    The Tutor

    "No your not, you just need to work at it, I know I would never know as much as I do if I didn't study at every possible chance" Noah said encouragingly. It was true at least, he would be no where if he didn't study. Sure he took in information raelly well once he understood something, but...
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    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah's stomach did a back flip as Rosiee's lips met his cheek. His heart hammered in his chest as a goofy smile apeared on his face. Noah forced himself to snap back into relaity and looked around and noticed Rosiee had already made it to the tree. Noah walked to the tree slowly very aware with...
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    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah rolled his eyes as Rosiee insisted on stepping on the grass, that was a great way to get yourself sick. Not that it mattered much, pepper-up potion could cure you in a second, but thats not the point! Noah forgot those thoughts in a second though when she grabbed onto his shoulders and...
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    The Tutor

    Noah couldn't help but laugh at the girls answer, it was just so... stupid. He of course would never say this out loud because unlike some Ravenclaws he didn't make fun of others intelligence. "No, Mandrakes as well as looking like humans act like humans, they go through all stages of life, You...
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    Hogwarts: Subtly is a Gift Scarcely Given

    So far Noah's return to school had been very eventful. First he had snuck out to the library after the start of year feast. Fell asleep in the library and missed his first class of his OWL year. It turned out missing his first class had been a blessing though, he had met Rosiee, and amazing and...
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    The Tutor

    [font=Times New Roman] Noah smiled when Lily got the question right, it was a start at least. "Yep, good job, lets see..." he said flipping through the book again looking for another question. Noah remembered the second years spent most the year tending to mandrakes so he flipped to that...
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    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah looked over to Rosiee once they had stepped outside and couldn't help but catch her breath. The way her hair flew out behind her made it look like fire. Noah noticed she had taken off her robes and did so himself revealing his sweater and black jeans. It was one of the few nice days out...
  10. N

    So how does this work?

    Noah bated his hands at his dorm mates tried to wake him up. It was probably some ungodly hour in the morning as usual. "Leave me alone!" Noah half yawned half said while he threw a pillow at the closest person to him. You would think after four years of living with me they would no I'm not a...
  11. N

    Noah needs some budies

    Could you please start it? I have to leave soon :].
  12. N

    The Tutor

    Noah nodded when she said she needed help in herbology and care of magical creatures. Two classes Noah happened to love. CoMC was his best subject infact, he loved animals very much. "Well lets get started on herbology then, we'll save care of magical craetures for another day when I can talk to...
  13. N

    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah smiled at Rosiee when she asked if he was sure he was sick, "Yeah I'm sure" Noah said kindly. Noah wasn't expecting what came from Rosiee's mouth next though... Could he really just skip class? Noah got a squirmy feeling in his stomach just thinking about it. But it would mean getting a...
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    The Tutor

    Noah was getting very annoyed with the girl he was supposed to be helping. How could she expect help if she didn't show up on time. He was thinking of packing up and going to study for OWLs when the girl showed up. He nodded when she said she needed a watch, he very much agreed. "Well Lily lets...
  15. N

    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah was a bit surprised when she said she was a transfer, he hadn't know you could transfer into the school. Of course that seemed a little stupid now, if course you had to be able to, what if your family moved or something? Noah hadn't realized he was still holding Rosiee's hand until she let...
  16. N

    So how does this work?

    Noah yawned as he scribbled some notes onto his parchment, he had given up on studying a little while ago and was trying to write a song. So far it was going good, if he did say so himself. Once he had finished another verse Noah set down his quil and stretched his arms out. Noah cringed a...
  17. N

    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah was just about to get up and stop feeling sorry for himself when a girl came dashing up to him and placing her hand on his forhead. Noah was completely confused by everything that was going on but looked up at the girl and smiled. She was very cute, and nice juding by the fact that she...
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    The Tutor

    As one of the smarter students in his year Noah had taken it upon himself to offer to tutor some of the younger students. From what they had told Noah the girl he was tutoring was a third year Hufflepuff and not very keen on books. Noah made his way to the library to meet the girl. He had...
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    So how does this work?

    Noah as a punishment for missing his first class of the year had been forced to sign up for a pen-pal program with the students of Hogwarts New Zealand. It wouldn't have been so bad but he didn't get a say on who he was going to be writing with. For all they know I could be writing to some...
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    Meeting the Newest Love

    Noah was happy to be back at school, at least this time around. His family had spent the summer in France with his aunt and uncle, and lets just say it was a memorable vacation. Half way through his cousin Henry had run off to New Zealand to tell the girl he loved he loved her, something Noah...