Search results for query: *

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    In Case of Emergency

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    Aiden Zander Lowe

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    In Case of Emergency

    I found this and thought it was pretty cool and worth posting just for the lawlz. Hope you like it ;)
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    [!BR] Bittersweet Symphony

    Aiden nodded weakly in reply to the monster, he didn't really understand what was going on, but he was scared and just wanted it all to be over. The two year old burrowed his head into the man's chest and a tear rolled down his cheek as he watched him draw his wand. He had seen his mummy use her...
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    [!BR] Bittersweet Symphony

    Even though his mother had put him to bed, Aiden Lowe was adament that he wasn't tired, after his bath he struggled against his mother's weak arms and refused to put on his pajama's, instead deciding to start up a game of chase with his brother Lucas. But after running around the room and...
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    "Are you buying the whole puppy dog act or do I have to get down and beg?" I don't have a particular PB, so any funny (male) baby picture will do ^_^<i></i>
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    FALSE. I despise them, with a passion. TPBM is vegan and therefor deserves a hi-five from me (go the vegans)<i></i>
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    Plots for a few charries

    Of course I shall start our topic, if I get approval so you won't have to worry about that one ;)<i></i>
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    Plots for a few charries

    ZAAAACHHHH! OK so I have an idea for a plot...I am PMing it to Afanasy It would involve Melodie, so of course expect epicness... -Brittlebee<i></i>
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    Zomgosh, Look Here!

    I would love to play him, he sounds like fun. If you want ^_^
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    I have Elizabeth Sturridge. Not sure what we could plot with them, but they are very much alike. She is also a Gryff firstie and her father is an abusive alcaholic, he has hit her siblings, mostly her mother. She is from Bristol in the UK. She doesn't pay much attention at school, she just...
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    And oh we are like dominoes

    Aiden poked his tongue out at other Aiden and held onto the pretty lady tightly. "Mine!" he shrieked pulling it from Lucas' grasp. He noticed crazy-mummy come in and he looked at her sideways, somewhere in his small mind he just couldn't understand why he had two mummys and he didn't know who...
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    Emzies&hearts; [C]

    I would like love Emzies to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Aiden Lowe Banner Type: Complex with lyrics like this one. *Banner Size: Up to youu Celebrity you're using: -- Images on banner: [X] *Background Image: -- *House Crest/Dark Mark: -- Text on banner: Name (Aiden...
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    Change One Letter

    Hunky (couldn't resist xD )
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    Baby graphics! [C]

    I would like Emzies to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Aiden and Lucas Bomonti Lowe Banner Type: Blend *Banner Size: Medium Celebrity you're using: N/A Images on banner: [X] [X] [X] *Background Image: *House Crest/Dark Mark: Text on banner: Golden slumber kiss your eyes...