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  1. B

    Another Precaution

    Hello all, this is incredibly frustrating to post (seeing as I have just got back into the swing of HNZ and am hoping to revive more of my characters and families), but there is a very good chance that my internet, which is already failing every twenty to thirty minutes, may go completely due to...
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    Rise Into Adulthood

    Boudicca had just scooped a helping of potato and gravy into her mouth when her adoptive daughter spoke. She paused thoughtfully, chewing gracefully on her food and mulling over the words. "Chloris," she started after swallowing the mouthful, "you know you don't need to do that." The last thing...
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    Rise Into Adulthood

    Boudicca hushed the words falling at her feet. "Come, now," she smiled, "you have nothing to be sorry for. You reacted as every feeling, thinking being would in the given situation." She cradled the child's head for a few moments before glancing down into her eyes. "You are a beautiful young...
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    Rise Into Adulthood

    Had it been a mistake to tell her daughter the truth? Was it so wrong that she wanted Chloris to have the chance to decide what path in life she took? Was this all about to push the two of them apart? Boudicca hoped not. She had already lost one daughter. She couldn't bear to lose another. But...
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    Silent Hedges

    His final, hoarse cries were muffled by the group of Aurors. But Boudicca had heard him. She had heard his words, and now her heart was caught. There was a child involved. She had forgotten about the child. How could she have forgotten? Her own disgust and hatred of the man had swamped her...
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    Silent Hedges

    Boudicca eased away from the man. She stood back up, her wand still on him. Vanetta had stopped twitching. Now he simply lay there, still and silent. She couldn't be sure that he was alive, but after a moment of observation, she noticed his stomach still moved as he drew each, slow breath. She...
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    Silent Hedges

    Boudicca eyed Vanetta suspiciously as he insisted she go on. Still, she chose to go on. His snarling laughs egged her on. She wanted to shock him. She wanted to shake the very bones of this man. She wanted to see his reaction to something to serious. She wanted to offer him some scrap of hope...
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    Silent Hedges

    Boudicca shook her head in a way that suggested he ought to know who she was, or at least have some idea. In truth, she knew he would not know who she was, and she had little hope for him realising who her daughter was. "I'm sure that, amongst all this hell and bloodshed, you have likely...
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    Silent Hedges

    The world seemed to spin her quite suddenly, as her reactions got the better of her. He had gotten to close, and she had force him back. She would not be intimidated by this man. She did not owe him that pleasure. She kept him down, until time, for her, seemed to slow. He was back on his feet...
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    Silent Hedges

    She glanced to the sky at the first rumble of thunder. It was typical that one of the times she had been granted time off work to visit her daughter and grandson in England, that the weather would do its very best to disturb whatever hope of a nice day out she may have had. It had been her plan...
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    In Memoriam

    "I am glad to see so many faces here, tonight. I apologise for the poor travel conditions, and I am thankful for your safe arrival." It was Christmas eve, 2026. Snow smattered against the sodden ground, forming mounds of slush and a light covering of white beauty. The clock on the dining room...
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    Boudicca Durand

    Character's Name: Boudicca Muirne Durand (Maiden: Roux) Character's Birthdate: 2nd March, 1968 Blood Status: Pureblood Educated At: Beauxbatons Position in the Ministry of Magic: Auror Appearance: A few slight wrinkles, shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair, blue eyes. Often wears earrings and brown...
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    Boudicca Durand

    Friends Best Friends A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. Close Friends A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us to be what we should. Partners in crime Friendship is one mind in two bodies. Average Friends A friend can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself...
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    Raging against stupid horror

    I watched the trailer and it is seriously sick. Doesn't look like there's much of a plotline. I'm normally ok with horrors but this.. No.