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  1. K


    Kaede was surprised. He was obviously keen to get to know her. 'Sure.' She said happily. 'By the way, my name's Kaede.' She said, chuckling to herself slightly. 'I kind of like it here.' She said, looking around her. 'Not too busy, at the moment.' She looked at Clyde. 'But I do like the...
  2. K


    Kaede shrugged and then smiled. 'Miss?' She raised her eyebrows. 'It's all right. I'm never in a good mood.' She giggled a little. Sighing, Kaede looked at Clyde. She looked away sharpish, not wanting to stare at him. Kaede and Clyde, Kaede and Clyde. Kaede giggled to herself again. She liked...
  3. K


    Kaede wasn't sure how to react, but then after a moment she smiled back. 'Yeah.' She said, and then laughed. 'Was someone talking about me?' She grinned. 'Or scum in general?' She tried to make him laugh. 'You're in the Dark Elites, right?' She said, having seen him with the other members. She...
  4. K


    Kaede sat down in the warmth of the corridor with her book. There was nobody around and Kaede could read peacefully. As she opened the first page, she heard footsteps. Sighing, she carried on reading. One person didn't matter. She had only read the first sentance before she had to look up to see...
  5. K

    A Slytherin gang

    I like Green Angels too :) Then that is what we shall be called. We have three members so far, that's ok but I hope to get at least one more :D What do you all think? Is three enough?
  6. K

    A Slytherin gang

    Haha :p Of course he can. Thanks for taking an interest :)
  7. K

    A Slytherin gang

    Hello! Firstly - Woop! Kaede got into Slytherin! But back to the point: Kaede is going to start her own gang. It is a gang for Slytherins only and they must all be KIND. However, they are going to be mean to any gangs that are BAD :) Please put your name down to join! We can discuss a gang...