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    Just wondering and I have a couple of questions; 1. Can people RP as Hags on HNZ? I mean, that's like asking if people can RP as veelas. Obviously they are creatures. Both are and hags are the opposite of veelas. 2. Can you get part hags? Like you can get part-veelas, giants, e.t.c, well, hags...
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    Two Old Ladies.. Clackity Clack!

    Christelle was patrolling the first floor corridor, a smile on her face; she had just received the news that she would be head girl during the next term. This had made her day. Her week. Her month even.. In fact, probably her year. She was so pleased but duty called and, still being a prefect...
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    Beauxbatons - Look Here

    Any Beauxbatons who want to RP, please reply. Christelle is a kind girl who has put studying before fun most times. However, now she is looking for some friends to have a laugh with, possibly a boyfriend. Well, I want the boyfriend thing to start off as friends, have some awkward moments and...
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    TWT - Freebies

    Yes. I've done it again. It's called being bored. And excited. Well anyway, I couldn't help myself so I made the first of what will be many free graphics thingys. Animated Userbar For those planning on entering and who wish to boast about it Just a plain one
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    Christelle Benoit

    Character's Name: Christelle Noémie Benoit Character's Birthdate: 23rd April, 2007 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Educated At: Beauxbatons Occupation: Traveling Appearance: Blonde hair, a few curves, wears a little bit of make up, mostly mascara, blue-green eyes Personality: Eager, Brave, Passionate...
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    Christelle Benoit

    Friends Best Friends Close Friends Partners in crime Average Friends Student Friends Distant Friends Family Friends Protective Over Me Protective Over You Former Enemies Enemies Mortal Enemies Hardcore Enemies Average Enemies Rivals Mutual Dislike One Sided Enemy Romantic Relationships...