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  1. I

    Electricity breakage and a little vacation

    ... Yeah, tomorrow here in the philippines on my province there will be an electricity breakage from morning until evening (I hate this stuffs <_<), it will be hot and had nothing to do... So, I need to leave HNZ for a couple of days ( I know the breakage will last for the whole day only) but I...
  2. I

    South Africa

    I have a healer and she's a girl ... and is 19th years old ...
  3. I

    unsorteds and adults

    Here you go;
  4. I

    unsorteds and adults

    Okay, want me to start a thread somewhere ???
  5. I

    unsorteds and adults

    I can offer Ino ... 'Best Friend' maybe ??? About her: Ino is from a Japanese family, she is the prime minister of Japan's granddaughter. Ino is a sophisticated girl and loves art. She is distant relative to the Rodriguez family.