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  1. J

    Nursing a Broken Heart. :(

    Joyce (I think) Lol, Jacob is also the 'rebel' of his rich family. I guess that they have something in common. :P Friends it is! Sally Hmm, I don't know if Meredith is the type of person that Jacob would hang out with. He prefers nice girls. xD I'll think about it. Hmm.. :lol: Rhi Hiya, could...
  2. J

    Nursing a Broken Heart. :(

    Hokaaay, this is Jacob. I posted a thread here once before, but I had to leave the site for a few months right after. So yeah, anyone that posted in that thread, sorry that I never got back to you regarding plots/RPs. Rightio, so Jacob is a dude. He owns Mākutu Music, and has a really vast...
  3. J

    Who said us 'Oldies' Cant rock?!

    Hey there! I can offer you Jacob Esquire as the bass player, if you like? Oh wait, is that taken? Whatever, Jacob would be fine on any of those instruments. Anyway, Jacob owns Makutu Music, so he has a good knowledge of what type of music they could play and stuff. He's been in a few bands...
  4. J

    Jake's Kind of a Loner

    Hey guys! Viv here :) So this is Jacob.. he's the owner of Makutu Music. Since I really just made him for the shop, I've never actually properly roleplayed with him outside of the shop. So yeah, he's a cool character, and I feel it's time that he actually got a life. :P He doesn't have a...
  5. J

    Character Banners

    Total yes! These are really cool ^_^