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  1. D

    Can't close my eyes, they're wide awake

    The call for her husband that emitted from Dannie’s mouth was a nervous and scared one, indeed, something he seemed to take notice of as he came up the sitars to greet her. He grabbed her hands and saw the letter, asking Dannie if it said what they had both been fearing it would say. They had...
  2. D

    Can't close my eyes, they're wide awake

    Sitting in the kitchen of their house, Dannie was reading the Daily Prophet, enjoying a cup of tea, and watching over her two youngest children as they played and watched a children’s program on the TV in front of them. It was a quiet morning and the mother had decided that it was alright to...
  3. D

    Not Sure how long i will be gone

    So I'm having intense writers block and while normally reading old threads helps me, that's not doing anything so I'm taking off for a few days to try and hunt down my muse. I think it's hiding somewhere in the filth that is my bathroom that needs to be cleaned. so while i tackle that, I will...
  4. D

    What are you listening to?

    Slow Me Down- Emmy Rossum
  5. D

    Family Ties

    Waiting, Dannie heard her twins make their way into the living room, one from down below and one from outside. Zach had been in the basement with Bryan and she heard him turn off the light and close the door. Either Bryan and quietly come up with him and she didn’t notice or he was down there...
  6. D

    How Do Ye' Do and Shake Hands!

    That's totally fine. and as long as you're not going me a one-liner, which you apparently don't like either, I am content. I will start a thread. And post the link here when it has been started. Any specfics for it? Or just make the thread and surprise you?
  7. D

    Family Ties

    Dannie hung up the phone and sighed. Was it really happening? Her sister was really sending her daughter to the same school Dannie’s own children would be attending in September? There was no way it could be happening and yet, she had just had a phone conversation which told her it was. Dannie...
  8. D

    The Arrow Game

    ^ has my hero as her play-by < wants to go back to school shopping v has to listen to something by Queen today. because I say so.
  9. D

    What are you listening to?

    Radio Ga-Ga: Queen but! this version is the version from We Will Rock You, the Queen musical! Lyrics are slightly different. look them up. =]
  10. D

    Old and Friendless

    That works with me! Dannie's pretty easy-going. She had a rough childhood and... erm... eventful teen-aged years but she's now happily married to her Hogwarts sweetheart, had 4 children, and enjoys every second of it. She's kind of a drill sargent around the house, wanting her kids to be neat...
  11. D

    Embarassing HNZ-related moments

    So there's a thread about your HNZ dreams but what about things that happen in everry day life related to HNZ that are embarassing? I know there's some of you on here who are more addicted than me to this site (heck, I'm still a n00b technically). I have a few HNZ related moments. I'll share...
  12. D

    What are you listening to?

    It's Amateur Night at the Apollo Creed- Cobra Starship <3
  13. D

    Old and Friendless

    So, Dannie's 32 and as such, she's always with her family and at home. But she wants to get out and have a little bit of a social life. Heck, if her kids can, she can to. (At least, this is what I want for her) Is there anyone who wants to have a thread with Dannie? Keeping in mind that she...
  14. D

    At Home with the Heatons

    As soon as her husband left the room to wake their eldest son, Dannie breathed a sigh of relief. As much as she loved each and every one of her children, she dreaded the mornings when she had to go and pry Zachary out of the bed with a crowbar. He was turning into the teen-ager she and Jacob...
  15. D

    At Home with the Heatons

    From out of the corner of her eye, Dannie spied Jadyn come into the kitchen, fresh out of a long night of sleep. It was obvious from her appearance that she had just gotten out of bed, though Jadyn had been fortunate enough to not inherit her father’s sleeping habits. Her hair looked fine...
  16. D

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Movie Discussion

    Nick, would you care to elaborate? I went and saw it a seocnd time today and for those of us who are disappointed that Necville wasn't there, there is hope! I knew what was going on and what to expect to i paid attention to little details this time, like counting the number of times Neville is...
  17. D

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Movie Discussion

    Cormack was definitely brilliant! trying to be sneakily dirty and just failing epically. He was just... bad. in every way. My favorite gag concerning him was when Hermione used the confundus charm on him during tryouts and then Harry pretended to use felix on Ron. Ron owned on his own. Hermione...
  18. D

    You know your addicted to Harry Potter when _______

    -You know you're addicted to Harry Potter when you take on your boyfriend's entire family in Harry potter scene it (6 versus 1) and beat them. dramatically. -You know you're addicted to Harry Potter when you dress up to go to the movie premier. and end up being one of maybe three people there...