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  1. Silverback

    Group Read đź“–

    I have to start my reread though to be fair I had recently reread the book for my son so I still have a clear idea of the chapters lol I found the books by happenchance at my library and read the first one while my brother read Lord of the Rings (I still think I chose the better book lol) fell...
  2. Silverback

    Closed Luxen vs. Silverback Part One

    Silverback listened to Luxen's response and smirked the entire time until the last part was said. Luthor Silverback flashed into his mind once again, he had often referred to his father as the runt and his mother as the bit@h when talking to him. His son thought that he could do the same but...
  3. Silverback

    Closed Luxen vs. Silverback Part One

    Silverback could only laugh at the boy's questions. "tut tut Luxy, if you want something it's proper to say please" Silverback said coldly as he brought the boy back to the ground once more. He was sure his knees would be hurting by now but it was the least of Silverback's concerns. "You don't...
  4. Silverback

    Closed Luxen vs. Silverback Part One

    Silverback chuckled as he waved the curved wand that belonged to Luxen in front of him. "Luxy, you really should be more careful with your things, someone mean might decide to break it" Silverback said with a smirk as he placed the tip of Luxen's wand against the side of a building as though he...
  5. Silverback

    Closed Luxen vs. Silverback Part One

    Silverback had left the store following his half-cousin and making sure to stay on his tail. It was obvious that the younger Silverback would want to speak with him since he'd said things that he was sure the boy believed nobody in the magical world would know about. Silverback could only smirk...
  6. Silverback

    Need some RPs

    I posted something at Scitorari headquarters about possible making a thread for a kinda meet and greet of current members that would probably be best for them to talk about, assuming he still remembers being one (have to see where he is on the whole lost memory thing lol)
  7. Silverback

    Silverback (WIP)

    Name: Silverback Born as: Luxen Alexander Silverback Alias: Silver Hex Color Code: 520504 Age: 20 Born: December 1st, 2031 School Graduated from: Hogwarts Scotland (Slytherin) Class of 2049 Wand (Inherited from Paternal Grandmother): 18 inches Straight Deadwood Unyielding Basilisk Fang...