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  1. F

    Faith is Back!

    Hey folks! I have decided to bring back my first ever, character on the board, Faith. Because I hated her at one point, and now I wuhb her again. So, ROFL the Mayo. :] So I am in search of some friends for Faith, since all her old friends have left her D: and the actual roleplayers are...
  2. F

    I want to Kill...again....

    I never roleplay with Faith Lovelight anymore, and would be more then grateful if we could get rid of her with the admin's permission of course. So I offer up Faith. :)
  3. F

    Needing Acquaintances

    Faith wants to know him. ;D
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    Halloween Banner (Faith as a Bumblebee?)[C]

    Characters name: Faith Lovelight Type of signature you would like: Normal Celebrity you're using: Demi Lovato Pictures (I can find them If you'd like, they don't all have to be of you): Bumblebee Writing you would like on the sig (name, quote, ect.): Faith Lovelight... as a Bumblebee Font...
  5. F

    Evil walks in the halls

    Faith was strutting down the corridor when she saw some conflict going on. She approached the girls "I wouldn't hand them to her if I were you" she smirked. "A stuck up pig like you doesn't deserve anything" she added to the older girl.
  6. F

    Sam Prince

    [font=georgia]Name: Faith Lovelight Age: Hufflepuff Second Year Relationship with Sam: Student Friends, Name Basis, Met Once Where you first met Sam: In the Common Room you dropped your quill and Faith and you were looking for it. What you think of Sam: He seems awesome, friendly and a social...
  7. F

    Staying up late - continued

    "Ya don't worry, it adds to the fun" she giggled. She went through the portal hole so she could follow the others. "Come on" she laughed, pulling out her wand "lumos" she whispered, a small glow came from her wand.
  8. F

    People (:

    Can Faith be your mentee, I know she's a second year but you could say that she has been your mentee since she started. [=
  9. F

    A welcome back

    Faith ran over to Liberty, she was over joyed she was back. "Libby!" she yelled running towards and giving her a great big massive hug. "Hi Larissa" she smiled.
  10. F

    What are you listening to in your pants?

    Shake it in my pants [Metro Station] Good Vibrations in my pants [The Beach Boys] Jerk It Out in my pants [Caesars] Thats what iv listened to in the past 10 mins :blink: slightly worrying
  11. F

    What are you listening to in your pants?

    If U Seek Amy in my pants (Britney Spears)
  12. F

    :'( A late earth day

    Wow, I didn't know they could do that... Oh well.. See you on Wednesday ^_^
  13. F

    Scarlette Mansen

    I have some questions for you. <3 I would recommend answering them OOC. 1. How did Scarlette's father die? 2. How did her twin sister (Willow) die? 3. How does Scarlette cope with these key family members passing away? 4. Where specifically in New Zealand does Scarlette and her remaining family...
  14. F

    A little bit of faith is needed

    Faith couldn't manage to stop the spell, her wand flew out of her hand, she gasped, and looked at Hoshi. She didn't let this deter, it made her more stronger, she whipped her wand and postured herself "stupefy" she yelled, the red bolt projected itself at the girl in front of her. Starting...
  15. F

    A little bit of faith is needed

    The Hufflepuff smirked "I'm Faith" she smiled, bowing then walking to the end, she rose her wand and began "Everte Statum!" she stated with a flourish of her wand, she had learnt the spell in charms and was pretty good it it. She watched as the orange bolt projected itself at the girl. Starting...
  16. F

    A little bit of faith is needed

    "I might be in need" she replied, standing up, removing her wand from her pocket, she walked onto the centre of platform, bidding for the girl the follow, she didn't know if she wanted to duel, Faith didn't care, all she wanted was her to duel with this girl, of whom she had seen in her lessons...
  17. F

    Dueling buddie

    Ok, i'll keep that in mind. Any way there is a thread up all ready, i'll just close it to use 2. :D
  18. F

    Dueling buddie

    Are there any first years that want to be Faith's duelling buddy, basically we duel a lot :P
  19. F

    Never been here before

    "Ya, I think you are in some of my class's actually, I'v seen you around anyway" she smiled. Faith took a grasp on Aeon's hand and slowly began to shake it. "Wow, they are so cute" she grinned, looking dreamily at Aeon's puffskeins, she was reverted from them, as she saw some approach, she...