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  1. Brooklyn Vacarius

    Rough Recovery

    Brooklyn Vacarius had be a little on the rough side, seeing as she was healing up from a lightning strike. After a few minutes, Lucius Verdelet managed to get Brooklyn conscious again, informing her that her best friend, Maise, saved her life by catching her after she fell off her broom, and...
  2. Brooklyn Vacarius


    [adminapproval=30103233]Brooklyn Vacarius made her way to the Quidditch pitch with Maise tagging along behind her. Brooklyn felt some gusts of wind, but she had her new broom at her side, and she could not wait to use it. A few droplets of rain sprinkled down, but the weather seemed to be...
  3. Brooklyn Vacarius

    Brewing Storm

    Brooklyn Vacarius stood at the tallest of the towers, with her broom in hand. She made plans with her best friend, Maise, to go flying today. It was toward dinner time, and the sky looked a little dark. She frowned at the very thought of having their plans hindered by anything. Brooklyn sighed...
  4. Brooklyn Vacarius

    Just Friends

    Dressing a modest as she could without looking too bad, Brooklyn wondered why she bothered with dances like this. Well, she was asked by a rather good looking Ravenclaw, and figured that the date could be considered something. Yet, during the time she was with him in the hall, shortly after she...
  5. Brooklyn Vacarius

    Brooklyn Madison Vacarius

    </SIZE>b r o o k l y n m a d i s o n v a c a r i u s<i></i> t e l l - m e - n o w - h a v e n ' t - y o u - h e a r d - t h e - l e a v e s - w h i s p e r s e c r e t s - o f - h e a v e n - a n d - e a r t h - a n d - o f - t h o u s a n d - s p r i n g s f o l l o w - t h e - w i n d - a...
  6. Brooklyn Vacarius

    Out to Play

    This is my first PD in a while, and while I may not have a lot of time, I do want to RP some, and sometimes, this is the only way for me to RP with new people! I can bug those I skype with on a regular occasion for plots and RPs, so this is for the people I have never or haven't RPed with in a...