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  1. D


    Drago, seeing Bearse killed in front of him, knew that this was not his fight anymore. He didn't want to die tonight and knew that he couldn't face down to powerful witches. With a single motion so quick it was almost unseen, Drago ran deeper into the woods, then off school grounds to Apparate...
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    Drago yelped involuntarily as the hard soled shoe crashed into his face. He dropped his mouth open and stepped backward. A low gutteral growl started in his throat and erupted into a howl as he moved forward with the intent of killing the adult woman. He knew that the girl wouldn't get far with...
  3. D


    Drago heard the girl speaking and knew that in that second the woman would be shaken in her attention, even if for a second. Bounding quicker than he had before, he jumped out and instead of attacking the Professor, he latched his strong jaws onto the girls foot and dragged her backward. It was...
  4. D


    Drago was hit by the first two of the string of spells, but managed to dodge the rest enough to retreat just inside the darkness of the forest. He stood as still as stone as he watched the woman, waiting for her to show a second of weakness so that he could attack again. Perhaps when she checks...
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    Drago breathed deeply, inhaling the womans scent as if smelling a fine wine. Yes, of course he recognized her; he wondered darkly if she still thought of him when she saw the scars he had left her. Advancing slowly, his amber eyes darting around to make sure there was no one else, he opened his...
  6. D


    Drago was just getting ready to take another bite of the now still girl when he heard a familiar voice shouting. He was hit with the spell and though it didn't hurt, it certainly did take him off guard. Rolling backward, he cursed himself for being careless and unaware of his surroundings. Once...
  7. D


    Drago felt his canine mouth pull into an odd type of smile. He sniffed the girl, relishing in her fear. He knew that the school had it's festivities and he knew that there would be no one to interrupt him. Drago could now take all the time he wanted; how he loved to play with his meal before...
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    Drago crept closer still to the girl that was walking into the forest. It was as if the silly thing wanted to be killed. He opened his mouth slightly and felt the saliva fall to the ground, happy to oblige. In a single bound, he flew from the row of shrubbery and landed on top of the girl. He...
  9. D


    Drago stopped suddenly when he smelled something new. Something sweet. He crouched down and peered from behind a shrub and saw a little girl just beyond the darkness of the forest. He smiled and wondered if he should wait for her to enter the forest or if he should go after her. After allowing...
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    Drago smiled as he breathed in the pine scent of the forest. He hadn't been there since he nearly killed that witch Rambolt and knew that there would be blood-shed this evening. He smiled as he watched Bearse crash through the forest, happy to come along. Children were always the easiest and...
  11. D

    Drago's Place

    Drago's eyes lingered on the corpse and a small smile played around his dry lips. "This is truly a great gift, Tristan." He then noticed that Tristan had stood. "Are you leaving so soon, friend?" He eyes slowly moved back to Lissandra's body and felt the first hint of saliva springing up in his...
  12. D

    Drago's Place

    Drago instantly relaxed and looked down at the formerly beautiful face of Lissandra. It was not so long ago that his eyes had lit upon her face full of color. Now as she lay on the floor, her face was the ashy gray color of death. "How long has she been dead? Will her blood still flow freely?"...
  13. D

    Drago's Place

    As the vase began to change form, Drago jumped back and grabbed Tristan roughly. "What sort of a trick is this?!" There on the floor was a half transfigured human. Drago was sure it was some kind of Trojan horse trick and he was ready for bloodshed.
  14. D

    Drago's Place

    Drago's interested was piqued. He raised a bushy eyebrow and leaned down to examine the vase. This close, he could smell a faint and familiar odor, but he couldn't make out what it was. Instead he allowed his yellow-ish eyes scan the design, sneering slightly. A vase like this had no place in...
  15. D

    Drago's Place

    Drago cleared his throat with a snort and pulled the door open, his hair ruffling in the wake of the wind. "Why didn't you say so earlier?" He called out, his husky voice echoing back from the thick forest around him. "C'mon in. It's not much, but it's home." He stood aside and offered Tristan...
  16. D

    Drago's Place

    Drago, hearing the knock on the door, growled lightly and felt the hair on the back of his neck bristle. He dropped his booted feet off of the table and sniffed the air. He recognized the scent, so he was sure it wasn't a stranger. But of course this didn't mean that it wasn't someone who meant...
  17. D

    Meeting Spot

    Drago nodded, then looked around. He supposed he would be staying there for the evening. His eyes swept the room and rested on Tristan. He smiled as he listened to Tristan recount the events at the Ministry. When there was a lull in conversation, he spoke up. "Is there a place for me to sleep...
  18. D

    Meeting Spot

    Drago looked at the hand, then shook it. "Once you've turned, you will be able to understand me. As beasts we will be able to communicate." He glanced at Lucius, wondering what he would think or do about this situation. There was a question in the back of his mind, itching to be asked, but he...
  19. D

    Meeting Spot

    Drago roared with laughter. He thumped the girl on the back, "Wonderful! That potion is for the weak, m'dear! I'm glad you're giving it up! I thought I smelled something on you." His smile was wide as he grew excited for the next full moon. Then he got serious. "You won't get in my way. This...
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    Meeting Spot

    His deep rattling laugh was loud. "Why, yes I am. Is it that obvious?" He grinned and sniffed. He savored the smell of the blood.