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  1. Elijah Edogawa

    Elijah Edogawa's Category of Professors

    Below is the category Eli uses to determine whether he considers a Professor someone he deems worthy of being listened to. Please note these can and will change as his opinions change on them. Eli's categorisation of his professors is mostly based on his personal respect for them, which is often...
  2. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed More than a passing fancy

    So maybe it was more than a simple thought, he’d poured over all of the books he could find on the subject in the library, but it wasn’t like there was a lot of information on how to do this sort of thing. After all, that would only make it more easy for students to do this in secret and he knew...
  3. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed No Escape

    For Eli there were a lot of things he wanted to do, some of which meant he needed to keep his focus. There was more to that than he would have liked, especially since he’d been so distracted lately, and he was annoyed enough that he was determined to pull his grades back up. Those E’s he got...
  4. Elijah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving My one and only (Red)

    Esme he knew, because she was Rose's roommate, but also because she was Felix's girlfriend, and he knew Felix because of Jonah. Not that he really spoke to Felix as Jonah's friend. Eli didn't have a lot of friends and for the moment he was totally fine with that. "Hey, Esme, I have a rose for...
  5. Elijah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving Thanks for being so nice to me (Yellow)

    He knew Kairi's name, but he wasn't entirely sure what house she was in. He was pretty sure she was a Hufflepuff, but he didn't tend to pay a super amount of attention to people he'd never spoken to before, so she could have been in Gryffindor for all he knew. "Are you Kairi Kennedy? I have a...
  6. Elijah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving So proud (Red)

    Giving a rose to someone as popular as Teddy seemed to be was a little annoying, but he didn't dislike the guy, he was Rose's Captain, so of course he was going to know who he was. He was also a Prefect and Eli had been here for long enough to know who the Prefects were. They were bloody hard to...
  7. Elijah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving The way I see you (pink)

    It seemed that Eli would be done super quickly since most of his deliveries all seemed to be people he was at least vaguely familiar with and they all seemed to be in the dungeons too. "Vanity?" What kind of a name was that anyway? "I have a pink rose for you," he said, hoping to get the girls...
  8. Elijah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving Just doing my job (Pink)

    After his delivery to Winnie, he was able to stick around because he knew that Ignatius was also on the Slytherin Quidditch team. He would surely be hanging around here somewhere, right? "Ignatius?" He wasn't as familiar with the guy though, so was making sure he was talking to the right person...
  9. Elijah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving I trust you (Yellow)

    He didn't know her very well, but Eli did at least know who Winnie was given they had several classes together. He was also roommates with Vikram, who seemed to spend a bit of time with the Slytherin, so he knew what house she was in, and he knew he could probably find her down here in the...
  10. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed lost in the pages

    The library was Eli's sanctuary, a place where the constant noise of the common room didn't bother him. It was quieter in the Ravenclaw dorms than it was at home and so he imagined that it was probably quieter than some of the other dorms, but it was still sometimes overwhelming and he tried to...
  11. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed guidance

    Elijah never gravitated towards the Quidditch pitch, unless he was watching a game because it wasn't his thing. He liked it well enough but he was more interested in his classes and in charms or transfiguration, into the more academic stuff than he was into the physical aspects of flying or...
  12. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed so help me

    *set after first year flying lesson four Elijah was seething, his brother knew better than this and yet here he was making an absolute mess of himself, and apparently putting other people in danger, kaachan would never accept this if she knew and apparently it was down to Eli to put a stop to...
  13. Elijah Edogawa

    Elijah Kenzou Edogawa

    E L I J A H ✻ K E N Z O U ✻ E D O G A W A ELIJAH; ‘GOD’ ✻ KENZOU; ‘INTELLIGENT SON’ four lines of lyrics to even it all up LINKS & AUTHOR NOTE Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships Lyrics from song by artist Dividers and bio coding by Clairey Wand from...