Search results for query: *

  1. L

    Hello, I love you

    Lucas kicked a stone as he breathed in the icy morning air that had become all too familiar these past few weeks. Flicking a loose strand of hair back he pulled a lighter from his pocket and with one swift move a flame glimmered before his dark eyes. He begrudgingly pulled a cigarette from his...
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    What are you, in love with your problems?

    Lucas was pottering around his flat, putting the last minute touches on the place, if you call throwing a pillow over a stain on the couch and emptying the rubish for once last minute touches. Though he had been dreading this day for a few weeks now, it had to come around sometime and now that...
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    Lucas Sturridge

    * CHECK OUT LITTLE MISTER LUCAS RONAN STURRIDGE ?!whoah, whatcha got to say about this eighteen year old? can't be much, he's only a durmstrang here! just because he's a womanizer is doesn't mean you can hold it against him. and just because he's twin you can't judge him. to each their own. *...
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    Elphaba [C]

    I would like Elphaba to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lucas Sturridge Banner Type: Blend *Banner Size: -- Images on banner: [1] [2] *Background Image: -- *House Crest/Dark Mark: -- Text on banner: Lucas Ronan Sturridge *Fonts on banner: Any! *Colour Scheme: Black and...
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    A stolen kiss

    Lucas had gotten up early that morning, the thought of seeing Rhianne had motivated him and he wanted everything to be perfect. He arose from his bed and got ready in record time. Slipping a hooded jacket over his head, Luke looked in the mirror before he left his room. As he stepped of the bus...
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    Lets have some fun!

    Lucas was bored. He hadn't seen Rhianne since the summer holidays and was missing her terribly. But that wasn't the worst of his problems, school was worse than ever for him. He wasn't concentrating in lessons and was failing in almost every class. He wasn't modivated, he was a trouble maker, a...
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    Trouble makers

    I am looking for some teenagers, Durmstrang would be good but anyone is welcome! They would be making trouble with Lucas, drinking, smoking and setting things on fire, anything naughty! So yeah, please post!
  8. L

    Lucas Sturridge

    </FONT> </B>lucasRONANsturridge<i></i><FONT font="Georgia"> <B>!The basics! Full name: Lucas Ronan Sturridge Age: Seventeen Birthday: March 5th Hometown: Bristol, United Kningdom Residence: United Kingdom Year: 5th year Schooling: Durmstrang Institute Bloodline: Muggle !Looks! Play-by: Tom...
  9. L

    New Durmstrang on the block

    Lucas wandered around Durmstrang Castle kicking pebbles and muttering as he went. He hated his parents and hadn't sent them a letter since he was forcibly sent here. Aparantly he needed 'straightening out' well he sure wasn't going to stand for that. He brushed off his black jeans and began to...
  10. L

    Bad boy needs some friends

    Okay so here is my brand new character Lucas. I'm hoping he will attend Durmstrang. He is a bad boy from Bristol, UK and as sent to Durmstrang as a parents last resort. He has a little sister and an older brother. I am looking for a love intrest and some boys who like to get up to no good to be...
  11. L

    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like Isabella Chaos to fill my request. Banner Order Form Character's Name: Lucas Sturridge Banner Type: One of your 2 image ones please *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Celebrity you're using: Tom Sturridge Images on banner: [x] [x] *Background Image: N/A...