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  1. Teddy Pirrip

    Sign ups for Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Musical Chairs

    Event ID 125063 Hello! We're back for another Brotherhood vs Heta Omega event and this time playing Musical Chairs! We're running sign ups for this game - Your character must be a member of the Brotherhood or Heta if you would like to play. If you are not a member and would like to play...
  2. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving Training rose

    Teddy had one last rose to deliver but he knew he would be seeing Miro at Quidditch training so held onto it until then. When Miro arrived Teddy gave him a big grin, "I have something for you!" He said cheerfully, reaching into his bag and taking out his last rose which was yellow. @Miro...
  3. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving Down by the lake

    The fact it was a warm and sunny afternoon did not help the rose delivery cause as a lot more people were outside. Had it been a gloomy rainy day, then people would not be spread so far. Teddy headed down to the lake where he found his next delivery. "Hey Magne!" He knew the boy as a Brotherhood...
  4. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving Hard one to find

    Teddy's next delivery was hard to find, they were a Hufflepuff so he headed towards their common room and asked about for someone to fetch Remy Forrester for him. He had a pink rose to deliver him and a few more to do after so he didn't want to be hanging around here for long. @Remy Forrester
  5. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving False pretenses

    Teddy had asked to meet with Bailey to go through the plans for the upcoming Brotherhood and Heta meeting but when she turned up, he was waiting with a pink rose for her. "Hey Bailey, this is for you." He said, offering her a pink rose. @Bailey Walden-Cade
  6. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving Elio's admirers

    Teddy had been busy allocating roses with Audrey that he had almost forgotten that he had deliveries of his own to make before the dance. His first was a bouquet of an impressive seven red roses for Elio which he found really funny. He knew Elio was cool but he didn't realise he had such a fan...
  7. Teddy Pirrip

    Y48 Rose Giving and Sign Ups

    Event ID 124927 Welcome to February! I can already smell the roses with the return of a classic HNZ event! INTRODUCTION First organised by Alexis back in the day and then ran by Steven and Daphne (and Rowan sometimes), and more recently Kris, Kadi and Camilla, the Flower Delivery Service is an...
  8. Teddy Pirrip

    Closed Only one night

    Even though he’d told Theodore he had a date in mind, Teddy had never actually gotten around to asking anyone to the Yule Ball. It just didn’t seem that important, and honestly, he would have only done it to save face if he ran into the sixth year. But last he heard, Theodore was going with a...
  9. Teddy Pirrip

    Open No exams this week

    Teddy was very much enjoying his stress free week without any exams to do before the semester finished. This year he was free of actual exams until his OWLs at the end of the year. Of course, this meant he’d have double the workload at the end of the year, but that was a future Teddy problem...
  10. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Looking good over here

    Teddy's Halloween costume wasn't much of a costume at all, but in his defence, he’d been busy for the last couple of weeks to even think about it and before he'd known, it was Halloween already. Last year, lessons and running the Brotherhood felt like a lot, but this year was another level...
  11. Teddy Pirrip

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S1/Y48

    Gryffindor,Practice Now that he had taken over as co-captain, Teddy wanted Gryffindor to win this year more than ever. It had been a long time since Gryffindor had won the championship, certainly never in Teddy's time at Hogwarts. He gathered the team for their final training before their match...
  12. Teddy Pirrip

    Closed Band practice

    Teddy stood at the Gryffindor entrance waiting for Veronica and thinking about how he really couldn’t stand patrols with her. What had started as mildly irritating was now genuinely grating on him. Banter was his hobby and he could handle it all day, but with Veronica, it wasn’t banter. It felt...
  13. Teddy Pirrip

    Closed The elephant in the room

    In some ways, having a co-captain was helpful as it gave Teddy someone to bounce ideas off and lessened the overall pressure of being captain, which Teddy wanted to avoid after seeing Rāwhiti struggle with the pressure last year. But in other ways, it was extremely frustrating that Teddy had to...
  14. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts Y48

    Teddy stood on the edge of the Quidditch pitch as he had many times before but this time was different. This time, he was a co-captain of the Gryffindor team. It was an honour that he didn’t take lightly. Taking over from last year’s third place finish gave him and Fraser something to build on...
  15. Teddy Pirrip

    Bring out your dead (good plots)

    I actually made an effort to make this look decent so let's go. Here are my Hogwarts characters this year and what I'm looking for Y48! Teddy Pirrip Gryffindor Fifth Year "Golden Boy" Morrie Ayre Slytherin Fourth Year "The Victim" Just in case he hasn't already told you a million times...
  16. Teddy Pirrip

    Closed Unsupervised teenagers

    Teddy was so excited! His parents were away tonight and agreed to let him have friends over for a sleepover while they were away, and he couldn’t wait. Teddy had never hosted anyone from Hogwarts before and choosing which three friends to invite had been easy. Amodeus, because he was his best...
  17. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Stuck in the corridor

    Rather embarrassingly for a fourth year, Teddy had forgotten the password to get inside the Gryffindor common room. Actually, now that he thought about it, he wasn't convinced that anyone had told him it’d been changed. He hadn’t exactly been hanging around much lately, what with all the exam...
  18. Teddy Pirrip

    Closed Crossing paths

    The second term at Hogwarts always passed by faster than the first, and now that events like Quidditch and the Dueling Tournament (which he won wooo) were now behind him, Teddy’s thoughts shifted, somewhat reluctantly, to exams. In theory, exams didn’t matter until next years OWLs, but for...
  19. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Turbo Triple Kiss

    Open after @Marley Owens-Lee Teddy made his way to the Quidditch pitch with a swagger in his step, clutching his brand new Turbo XXX broomstick, or as he dubbed it, Turbo Triple Kiss My Ass. It was a model that made older brooms look like outdated relics and Teddy felt like the undisputed king...
  20. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Sunshine and Stormclouds

    Open after Sarah posts with @Lucy Montague Teddy woke up this morning feeling inexplicably fantastic. Running his fingers through his hair, he noticed his hair had settled into perfect tousled waves without any effort. Grinning at his reflection, he grabbed his robes and made his way down to...