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  1. Lucy Montague

    Open Conglomerated Arts Club Meeting S2/Y48

    Lucy wasn't sure about this idea, but it was a unique one. Some of her previous plans hadn't hit off quite how she'd wanted it to so she'd decided to try something different to see if that would change things. A sort of show and tell. She'd sent out letters to every student in the club with...
  2. Lucy Montague

    Closed The Start of Something

    Lucy couldn't believe she'd been asked to not one, but two dances by Tempest. She couldn't help but think that things were going well, despite the nervousness that seemed to plague her. It wasn't like the usual nervousness she felt - it was entirely different - painful yet pleasant in...
  3. Lucy Montague

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

    Ravenclaw,Practice Lucy was pleased with how the team was going. There were some newbies, but they were pulling their weight which was always good to see. She stood infront of everyone on the pitch and called out to get everyone's attention. "Alright, let's get right into things, team! We've...
  4. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving The last and it's pink

    Lucy decided, since it was about lunchtime, it would be sensible to try and catch the next student in the great hall. She walked over to the hufflepuff table, asking a few questions about who exactly Naveen was (she was unfamiliar with him). Hufflepuffs proved helpful and pointed her in the...
  5. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving Not the last rose, but a rose of lasts

    Lucy had a strong feeling Dahlia would be in the conglomerated arts room and her suspicion proved correct. She approached the older girl, her basket with less roses than when she'd started. "Hey Dahlia," Lucy greeted cheerfully, knowing the girl from the arts club. "I've got a rose for you."...
  6. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving A friendly rose

    Lucy continued on her quest to deliver her roses, making her way back into the castle. She climbed the stairs and got to the fourth floor to wait for a Hufflepuff. She asked a few people about where to find Tanith, and apparently she was hanging out in the common room so Lucy just had to wait...
  7. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving Enthusiasm and bugs

    Lucy was pleased Vanity was out of the way, now on to her next rose. She was instructed to go to the gardens to find her. "Hey, are you Briony?" Lucy asked a girl she found. "Because I've got a rose for her. Or you. If you're Briony." Lucy tried a smile to hide her stumbling. @Briony Mettlestone
  8. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving A mysterious rose

    Lucy thought this one was odd - a rose with no nothing to go along with it. Hopefully the person who received it would understand what it meant. She remembered getting something similar once and being very confused until it was cleared up. Lucy wandered the great lawn, looking out for her next...
  9. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving The first rose of the morning

    Lucy was excited for rose-giving - she always was - and it was her very first delivery of the day. She wandered through the castle, having gotten directions towards student lounge to find the girl she was looking for. "Eurydice?" she called out to the room as she entered, holding her basket of...
  10. Lucy Montague

    Y48 S1 CAC and Wild Patch Club Meeting - Flower Pressing

    Lucy had thought it was a neat idea when she'd been approached by Zerrin and Ruto. It was always fun to try new things, and flower pressing wasn't something Lucy had ever tried before. She just hoped everyone else would agree. Standing at the front of the room, she waited for people to arrive...
  11. Lucy Montague

    Y48 CAC Member List

    Music Maestro Lucy Montague Seventh Years Dezi Barret Dahlia Doherty Gregory Friend Ruto Vernier-Raison Sixth Years Oswald Brambleheart Angel Gates Sparrow Lacewing Nevaeh O Ruairc Fifth Years Callie Cardoso Aurora Chase Gemma Delaney Enoch Goldewyn Lucy Montague Marley Owens-Lee Fourth...
  12. Lucy Montague

    Closed Making Amends

    Lucy felt bad. It had been on her mind for a while now but at first, she'd been angry. She'd held a grudge, not particularly socialising much with Teddy or doing anything involving him. Lucy was good at grudges, but now time had passed and this grudge was starting to wear thin. It wasn't like...
  13. Lucy Montague

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y48

    Lucy was surprised to have chosen to be quidditch co-captain. She'd joined the team on a whim, not really expecting anything much out of it, but ended up having a really good time. She hoped she could inspire a similar feeling amongst those in the team – and of course, win some games along the...
  14. Lucy Montague

    Closed My Mind is Open Wide

    Lucy had a lot on her mind. She had a lot of responsibilities this year, and it was a little bit overwhelming - especially since it was OWLs too. But more than that, a certain someone keep featuring in her mind. It was kind of unnerving, because it wasn't like they were especially close. They'd...
  15. Lucy Montague

    Y47 S1 CAC Meeting - The Four Seasons

    Lucy was a little nervous to be hosting the meeting, but she knew it would be worth it. She'd always enjoyed the conglomerated arts club, had used it's clubroom herself numerous times, and knew how much it meant to people to be allowed to be creative. After all, she was a creative person...
  16. Lucy Montague

    Y47 CAC Member List

    Craft Coordinator Marnie Frog Music Maestro Lucy Montague Seventh Years Mischa Falter-Butera Yuelia Rossingol Sixth Years Dezi Barret Dahlia Doherty Gregory Friend Ruto Vernier-Raison Fifth Years Oswald Brambleheart Angel Gates Sparrow Lacewing Nevaeh O Ruairc Fourth Years Callie Cardoso...
  17. Lucy Montague

    Closed To the Top

    Lucy was feeling somewhat refreshed. It was a beautiful day out, with a few clouds in the sky, the temperature a brisk twelve degrees. Lucy had layered up a bit but since they'd be moving she figured she wouldn't need as many layers. It was just nice to be outdoors, and nice to be with her...
  18. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose in the Dungeons

    Lucy was waiting outside the Slytherin common room. She had one rose left in her basket - a yellow one, just sitting there, green and yellow against the brown wicker. She'd been waiting for maybe half an hour, but eventually the person she wanted to see opened the door, coming out into the dark...
  19. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving Red, Red Rose

    Lucy had reached her one red rose in her basket. It held a sense of awe to her - love. What did Lucy think about love? Was she maybe too young to understand? Lucy didn't have answers, only questions, as she sought out the recipient to the rose. She found her outside the Hufflepuff common room...
  20. Lucy Montague

    🌹 Rose Giving Another Yellow

    Lucy was humming to herself as she checked the next person on her list. This whole exercise of delivering roses really made her realise she didn't interact with many students at all outside her year. Another Ravenclaw, she noted, as she traversed the castle, eventually making it to the first...