hugo could hear something. he knew that he should probably wake up and get ready for classes but it was warm in bed and his body felt heavy he didn't want to move. even something as little as opening his eyes seemed like too much work. and for some reason he ached all over. his chest hurt, his...
hugo had spent his lunch break trackng down the staff on his list for the rose deliveries. which had turned out harder than he had anticipated. Professor Moncrieffe had been easy, but the caretaker had taken a lot longer than he had thought. He had also stopped by Professor Edogawa's office but...
hugo had one rose left. a yellow one for one of the younger ravenclaws. while he didn't know all of the people in his house by name Briony was someone he recognised. not because she was in a lot of clubs or played on the quidditch team. or anything like that. but because there was something...
hugo had been glad to see that he had a couple of professors on his delivery list. he hoped that they would be easier to track down than the cat and mouse game of students. he had decided to get those delivered over lunch trying each of their offices before going to the great hall to get food...
Classes were ut for the day and hugo was down to his last few roses. wanting a break from the commotion that was the castle he decided to see if either of his last ones were outside. even if they weren't it would be a little fresh air for him as it was a nice day, and a break from the noise.
Hugo had a list list of roses to deliver today. and there was no better time to start than first thing. he had just finished his breakfast, a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea when he had a look down his list picking a name a random and heading over to the slytherin table. he had two slytherins to...
Hugo had been pleased to see that nearly half of his Deliveries were to staff. surly they would be easier to track down compared to the students who were all running around trying to find each other in a relentless game of cat and mouse. his plan was to drop them off quickly stopping by each of...
By the sixth yer hugo had worked out where there were often snacks hiding throughout the school. and he himself had contributed to some of the caches. one of those was in his desk in the monthly offices. He had spent all of lunch through the castle delivering flowers to people that he had missed...
By Miranda Dawes (Camilla)
Well it's been another busy semester here at Hogwarts! As usual we have welcomed an excited (and possibly terrified) group of first years to our hallowed halls and we hope that all you firsties are settling in nicely! Also as usual we have had some staff...
hugo liked the fourth floor. Some days he wondered what it would be like to be in Hufflepuff so he hardly had a reason to leave it on weekends. Not that he didn't like being in ravenclaw, and he didn't have anything against ravenclaw tower, it was cool and had some great views. but the fourth...
Hogwarts Monthly
By Miranda Dawes (Camilla)
Hello and welcome everyone to another exciting year at Hogwarts! We here at the Hogwarts Monthly are thrilled to be your guides to everything going on around the school. With us on the case, you won't miss anything!
This semester we...
Good day. I think hugo needs an update to his graphics.
Name: Hugo Stark West
play-by: Oakes Fegley
Colour scheme: it is up to you. whatever works best
images: one, two, Three, four (I really like that one),
quote: "There is no friend as loyal as a book." or "Books are a uniquely portable...
Hugo had one rose left. he was glad that it was an easy one Dorian was in his house and the year above him. he was pretty sure he would find him in the common room this evening, he could even leave it in his dorm if he really needed to. right now Higo was tired from a day of wandering the...
Hugo was down to two roses left to deliver. and he was almost out of time. It was dinner time and his stomach was growling for food after he had spend the day walking around the school he was looking forward to getting his last roses delivered and then he had his homework to do. as he entered...
Hugo moved though the grounds moving away from where he had found wisteria at the lakes. a song his mum used to play starting to echo through his head. he curved towards the garden. the warmth of the late summer sun on his face. there were a few people about enjoying the sun, or flowers or like...
with classes over for the day Hugo made his way outside. it was a nice day and he wondered if he would be able to spot any of his deliver-ees enjoying the late simmer afternoon. She left the castle and headed to the lakes. the thought going to the lakes made him think of a song his mum used to...
Hugo had had little luck after lunch looking through the castle until lunch break had been over. apparently his recipients were not as inclined as he was to spending lunch in the library. or maybe they too were venturing out of the aisles to help deliver roses. though he had been surprised to...
the morning had cone smoothly. Hugo had not managed to deliver any more roses since breakfast. he had been to busy caught in classes. he figured he would have some lunch and then go on the hunt. maybe checking out the library, or the grounds. Probably the library. asking as it would fit better...
It was noisy as Hugo tucked into his breakfast of overnight oats and strawberries. while the Ravenclaw usually enjoyed the warm and cozy quiet of the library the noise today didnt bother him. it was the noise of excitement and fun. people enjoying themselves. Besides Hugo was pleased with...
Hello and welcome to Hugos Hnz book club May/June aka book club Mia edition.
I know I am a little early. but I am excited for my book choices. and am looking forward to seeing which gets picked. I have been trying to decide which books to put on the poll for a while. and have been caught on...
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