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  1. Aurelia Wade

    Open New adventure 1.

    Aurelia was happy be home and she was thinking go to New Zealand park and why not. She was with her mom and spend some time with her. Aurelia by some cocant ice cream and started eating and she still was so nervos about soon new shcool and where house she will be. Aurelia was a green dress with...
  2. Aurelia Wade

    Banner for Aurelia

    Name: Aurelia Wade Celebrity used: Georgie Henly Banner type: anything! Text on Banner: Aurelia Wade Images:1. 2. 3. 4 Collor: Something wadm collor and fairy tale. Other:Thanky so much
  3. Aurelia Wade

    Aurelia Wade

    Aurelia Wade Birthdate : July 11 th, 2040 Hometown : New Zealand Blood status : Mixed Blood Nationality: New Zealand, Akaroa Sexuality: Hetrosexual Relationship Status: To young to care. Wand: Straight 8 1/2 Inch Whippy Ivy Wand with Mermaid Scale Core Length: A short wand, usually for...